Jargon 4

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В данный момент ей занимается Dred1792.

Скреллы пришли с мира Яргон 4 или как они его называют Керрбалак, планета с очень влажной атмосферой, наполненная джунглями и болотами. Мир наполнен городами Скреллов, которые частенько передвигаются на высокотехнологичных ходулях.


Дикая жизнь Яргона 4, похожа на ту, которую можно было увидеть на Земле, во времена динозавров. Основную часть млекопитающих, составляют крупные динозавры, эти рептилии предпочитают жить в джунглях. Также, в болотистой местности обитают странные земноводные существа.

Яргонские Рапторы

Рапторы Яргона 4, это показатель того, что произошло бы, в случае их выживания на Земле до наших дней, эти Рапторы, обладают разумом, живут небольшими племенами и чётко разделяют свои территории. Это привело к тому, что Люди и Скреллы не признали их способными работать в космосе, а любая попытка поговорить с ними, заканчивалась нападением на делегатов. Рапторы живут в джунглях Яргона 4, они имеют оперение с головы до хвоста, острые когти и зубы, передвигаются они на двух лапах, также у них есть придатки рук, это короткие верхние конечности имеющие по три пальца. Иногда, наёмники Яргона 4, принудительно используют их труд, реже, они используют их как солдат.


These are large, bovine sized creatures that are similar in many ways to Komodo Dragons on Earth, They are fast efficient hunters that kill through biting and clawing, if the over all physical damage they inflict on you doesn't kill you the toxins they release through their bites will. They often hunt smaller animals and their territory includes both Swamp and Jungle areas of Jargon 4. They have been known to been worshiped by the Raptors.


These creatures can be essentially described as an odd mix of Salamander, Frog and Monkey, They often travel about the swamps via the trees and they hunt the larger insects of the swamps as well as eat the plant life in the areas. They are most often neutral to both Skrell and Human presence but they will defend themselves if provoked.


A large, fish like creature which travels in the swamps of Jargon 4, they are considered very dangerous and often attack any creature which is smaller then it(Which is none, It is safest to travel in known Kerr'k territory in a large vehicle). The creature is in truth, not a true fish but an amphibian, which is shaped similarly to a snake, It often eats its prey whole and digests everything, including the bones.


These creatures are large reptiles that travel in packs, they are often used by the Skrell as cattle, carrying loads and providing fertilizer for crops. Although Skrell have never cooked one themselves due to their bodies being unable to digest meat, it is said that Th'oom stakes are a delicacy amongst the more wealthy humans. They naturally come from the Jungles of Jargon 4, but due to their usefulness they are seen through-out the planet.


The Flora of Jargon 4 is vast and in human eyes, Strange. The swamps themselves are coloured an odd, dark blue caused by moss that grows in the areas, where as the trees of Jargon 4 are more akin to extremely large bushes then actual trees, as they have no bark on them and the insides are green, some humans have mistakenly said that they are large vines. The Jungle itself lends to that as parts of it are densely populated by large patches of thorny plants, that grow into each other giving the appearance of vines.