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Синтэ Унатси (ориг. Sinta'unathi) - основной разговорный язык планеты Мофис, родины унатхов, звуки которые в основном представляют собой свистящее шипение и подражание дребезжанию. Cик'тажир (ориг. Siik'tajr)- выразительный язык, который сочетает в себе шипение и мурчание that combines yowls and chirps with posture, tail and ears. Native to the Tajaran."

/datum/language/skrell name = "Skrellian" desc = "A melodic and complex language spoken by the Skrell of Qerrbalak. Some of the notes are inaudible to humans." speech_verb = "warbles" colour = "skrell" key = "k" flags = WHITELISTED

/datum/language/vox name = "Vox-pidgin" desc = "The common tongue of the various Vox ships making up the Shoal. It sounds like chaotic shrieking to everyone else." speech_verb = "shrieks" colour = "vox" key = "v" flags = RESTRICTED

/datum/language/diona name = "Rootspeak" desc = "A creaking, subvocal language spoken instinctively by the Dionaea. Due to the unique makeup of the average Diona, a phrase of Rootspeak can be a combination of anywhere from one to twelve individual voices and notes." speech_verb = "creaks and rustles" colour = "soghun" key = "q" flags = RESTRICTED

/datum/language/human name = "Sol Common" desc = "A bastardized hybrid of informal English and elements of Mandarin Chinese; the common language of the Sol system." colour = "rough" key = "1" flags = RESTRICTED

// Galactic common languages (systemwide accepted standards). /datum/language/trader name = "Tradeband" desc = "Maintained by the various trading cartels in major systems, this elegant, structured language is used for bartering and bargaining." speech_verb = "enunciates" colour = "say_quote" key = "2"

/datum/language/gutter name = "Gutter" desc = "Much like Standard, this crude pidgin tongue descended from numerous languages and serves as Tradeband for criminal elements." speech_verb = "growls" colour = "rough" key = "3"