Delivery Office

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В данный момент ей занимается ‎WonderCorpse.

Delivery Office Layout
The Delivery Office

Находится прямо над входом в Cargo Bay, это редко посещаемая зона. Используется для возврата вещей спущенных в мусорку, или как цель для Мулбота.

Содержание комнаты

  • Два почтовых маркировщика (destination tagger)
  • Девять рулонов оберточной бумаги (package wrapper)
  • Два рулона подарочной бумаги (wrapping paper)
  • Две пустые коробки
  • Папка
  • Ручка
  • Лоток для бумаги

Actually using the room

Most of the waste disposals around the station will send their contents to the outlet behind the air alarm. Use the conveyor to drag it out and sift through the mess for that rare valuable mistake. Send on the actual trash to Waste Disposal with the top conveyor.

Postman Pat

Pick up that package wrapper and use it on your item. Check the Destination tagger's controls to set the destination, and then tag your new parcel. Toss it onto the top conveyor and it will arrive in seconds! Don't worry about the mail desk or the corridor conveyor belt, nobody will ever use them.

You can wrap up some items as gifts, but you'll need wirecutters to cut the paper. Have them in your other hand and click with the object you want to wrap. You can turn the gift into a package and mail it but why not deliver it for the personal touch?

Help, I got flushed!

Just lay down using Rest, or disarming yourself until you push yourself down. While you're getting up you should be able to slip under the plastic flaps.


Expect a steady stream of dead people dumped into disposal. Most killers don't expect anyone to be working in here, and they are usually right. Make sure you are wearing gloves if in the room, and call the Detective when you find one.

Hate Mail

Is someone drawing your ire? How about mailing them the corpse of a crew member (preferably a co-worker or friend). Simply wrap the corpse up with wrapping paper and follow the same steps you'd use to mail anything.

If you manage to get a hold of a bomb, you can use the delivery system here to zip over your explosive package to anywhere on station with a disposal outlet. Just make sure you time your detonation right, so you don't miss your target or have the bomb disarmed.