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Самоходная позитронная установка (СПУ).


Это роботы, которые могут выполнять человеческую работу!

На данную расу не распространяется вайт-лист.


В середине 26го века, настало время, когда "возрождение" усопших считалось нормальным с этический и политических соображений, под этим подразумевалось интеграция живого и неживого. Таяране, Унатхи, Скреллы и Дионея все они интегрировались в культуру мегакорпораций, вроде НаноТрейзен. Примерно в это же время, были созданы живые позитронные системы, состоящие из металла и кремния, поддерживающиеся блуспейсом. Они работали вместе с людьми, инопланетянами и киборгами в подобии псевдо-рабства. Под давлении этических групп, корпорация НаноТрейзен начала работу над программой "само-выкупа СПУ" её концепт состоит в следующем: Через определённое время позитронная система может выкупить себя из псевдо-рабства, с дальнейшей их мобилизацией. Изначально, данная процедура была очень дорогой и не каждая позитронная система могла позволить себе это, но с продвижением технологий, инвестиции в данную сферу стали очень выгодны в 2558 году, что привело к снижению цен и дальнейшему увеличению СПУ в целом. Недавно, высший совет корпорации НаноТрейзен пришли к выводу, что СПУ могут свободно работать на судах и базах корпорации, на невоенных должностях.

The following is currently not enforced:

Due to the relatively unstable ethical and political climate brought upon between worries of synthetics being given better opportunities than certain alien species, Nanotrasen does not allow IPCs to be in a command position, unless a special exception is noted. (If you want an exception, talk to me, and be prepared to give me a good fluff reason why your IPC should be allowed in such a position)


IPCs have no clear-set naming convention, due to the fact that they are based off of free-willed positronic intelligences. Nanotrasen Employee Resources have noted, however, that there seems to be a particular pattern of IPCs naming themselves whatever name they used to call themselves as an Android, most likely due to association with the name.


IPCs are capable of a wide range of languages, due to the fact that they can use built in speakers to communicate. Most IPCs allow for up to 1 additional language to be installed into the IPC, besides Universal Common and EAL(Encoded Audio Language).

Skrellian, Sinta'unathi, Sol Common, Tradeband, Gutter, and Siik'mas are all languages that IPCs can easily speak in, due to the fact that these languages do not incorporate any need for motion. Inversely, IPCs require additional hardware for Siik'tajr, due to the need for motions of a tail and ears to be associated with the language (Which IPCs have neither)

IMPLEMENTATION IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. CURRENTLY TRADEBAND All IPCs are capable of communicating in EAL, a language of encoded tones that allow for IPCs to communicate auditorily between each other in a manner that allows for easier transfer of information.


For obvious reasons, IPCs are immune to fear and pain. What this means is that an IPC can't just go running around all willy nilly and being a bullet sponge. Positronic brains know that their shell costs a lot of money and because of that, will have a very strong desire for self-preservation. In some ways, perhaps even more so than humans. They possess high levels of intelligence, due to their work experience and immersion in Nanotrasen's databanks as a positronic brains, but said knowledge is usually geared towards one specific path, such as engineering or law enforcement skills. They tend to follow reasonable orders when they determine that it is appropriate to due so, based off of their own personal beliefs. Basically, they are completely free-willed.

IPCs are completely independant from any sort of central standard, and due to the nature of Positronic brains, can have completely different personalities, depending on what the player feels like making them (Just make sure they follow server rules). IPCs have been seen to show human like emotions as well, though it's unknown if they actually have them or if they are just emulated emotions from exposure to organics.



No AI Laws or Slavery: A given, due to the fact that they are free-willed. Basically means that they have freedom to do whatever Nanotrasen allows crew members to do. Lack of electronic interaction or all-access: For obvious reasons, Nanotrasen built their implementation of electronic access into the frames of cyborgs, robots, and androids to enable them to control the amount of free will and capability that said units had. As IPCs are not Nanotrasen owned and controlled, they do not get the same freedoms. Can be emagged: If you emag an IPC, they gain a law which states they must obey the directives of whoever emagged them above all else. No access to binary speak: Once again, not Nanotrasen owned, so no special permissions there. They, at least, get their own language. Does not process reagents: Because they lack any sort of circulatory or digestive system, IPCs cannot process anything, healing drugs or otherwise. Fully robotic body: What this means is that their body contains no organic components. If they take damage, it will not heal on its own. They have to repair themselves or get repaired. Stunnable: If an IPC is hit by an EMP or ion gun, they will be stunned. Cannot be cloned or DNA modified: It's rather hard to modify or copy something that doesn't exist (DNA) Feeds off of APCs: Because they cannot eat or drink any consumables, they have to recharge through an APC. IPCs can do so by clicking an APC with the grab intent.WIP:With the disarm intent, they can syphon some of their power off into an APC to charge it. Doesn't breathe: IPCs do not require oxygen to survive, as they don't breathe. However, without any source of air, they will quickly overheat.