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[[File:Gscans.png]] Gang War, or just "Gang", is a unique game mode built specifically for tgstation-code. It has no relation to Goonstation's gang mode.
{{also|bg-color=60a4c3|article1=Основная статья расы [[Tajaran|Таяран]]}}
Жан-Хазан ("Бегущие-по-льду")

Большие братья Харар.
==Tunnel Snakes Rule!==
A violent turf war between multiple rival factions has erupted on the station! Similar to [[Revolution]], there are '''Gang Bosses''' who recruit other crew members to join their gang.

==Общие правила==
In order for a gang to claim victory, they must successfully execute a hostile takeover of the station's systems with a Dominator machine. If the shuttle is allowed to evacuate the station before either gang can achieve this, both gangs will lose.
Отыгрывая Жан-Хазан вы должны СТРОГО следовать правилам и нормам, которые перечислены ниже. В противном случае наказанием за ваши проступки может стать исключение из вайт-листа.

===Основные правила===
==[[File:boss.png]] Gang Leaders==
*Ваше имя должно заканчиваться на ''Zhan-Khazan''
*Брать любую Исследовательскую профессию, [[Guide_to_Command|Главу]], [[Warden|Смотрителя]], [[Detective|Детектива]], [[Quartermaster|Квартирмейстера]], и практически все медицинские профессии - '''запрещено'''. Единственным исключение является роль парамедика (emergency medical technician).
*Разговаривая на Сайк'т или Сайк'мэс нужно растягивать букву "Р".

===Правила отыгрыша===
===Your Assets===
''Следование приведённым ниже правилам поможет вам избежать ненужных вопросов со стороны администрации. Поэтому, если вы все же решили их нарушить, вам следует придумать очень хорошую причину!''
*'''Никаких''' технических знаний, только БАЗОВЫЕ по общим принципам использования компьютеров (достаточные для того, чтобы заказать что-нибудь в карго, но недостаточные, чтобы использовать банкомат без каких-либо проблем).
*Ассистенты всегда ищут способ понаблюдать за тем, как устроена работа в отсеках на станции и как работают различные приборы, чтобы принести домой новые знание, где те могут очень пригодиться.
*Умение пользоваться инструментами допустимо, но в пределах базового строительства. Жан-Хазан, который обладает познаниями в электронике или в других более продвинутых сферах инженерной деятельности - это ОЧЕНЬ редкое явление.
*Ваш возраст не должен превышать 25 лет. Это правило связано с тем, что те, кто покидают своё племя, или даже Адомай, всегда молоды и находятся в поисках новых приключений и знаний, чтобы позже принести их домой.
*Помните, кто бы вам что ни говорил, но вы не можете жить в одиночку. Это ядро всех принципов Жан-Хазан.
*Жан-Хазан путешествует, чтобы учиться и познавать новое и он в любом случае должен вернуться домой на Адомай. Безрассудство и чрезмерная агрессия должны быть сведены к минимуму, чтобы главная цель была выполнена.
*Осведомлённость Жан-Хазан о других культурах вне их собственной практически равна нулю. Поэтому им свойственно вторжение в личное пространство и отсутствие знаний и умений практического использования предметов (базовые виды оружия в этот список не входят), которые выходят за рамки их культуры (Помните, что данные нюансы поведения не делают вам исключение. Правила сервера всё также распространяются на вас. Не стоит отыгрывать того, кто устраивает массовый хаос).

==Черты характера и история==
Influence is what you will slowly accumulate from over time. Every 3 minutes, your influence will grow according to how much control you have over the station. The more territories your gang has tagged, the more influence you get.

Жан-Хазан, как правило, выше и крепче сложены, чем "нормальные" таяране. Оттенки меха колеблются от белого до серого. Цвета стремятся к монохромным. Средний рост составляет от 150 см до 225 см, средний вес от 70 кг до 110 кг. Их челюсти более угловатые и квадратные, по сравнению с остальными таяранами. Глаза чуть меньше, чем у Харар или Нжарир'Ахан, плечи шире, а ноги массивнее.  
Just remember that Influence is shared between the whole gang, so if you want to promote some lieutenants make sure they're trustworthy and competent, as they're going to be buying from the same funds as you do.

Spend influence from gangtools to purchase items for your gang. See the [[Gang_War#Gang_Equipment|equipment]] section below for details on purchasable equipment.

Жан-Хазан родом из самых суровых регионов Адомая, страны ледяных дюн и гор, где зима и снег никогда по-настоящему не заканчиваются. Их поселения часто находятся высоко в горах на севере, и по мере приближения к экватору их становится все меньше.
Lieutenants can almost everything the boss can. They can recruit, use gangtools, and are immune to deconversion. But they cannot recall the emergency shuttle or promote other gangsters.

You are limited to two lieutenants max, and it is recommended that you '''promote as many people as necessary''' to reduce the risk of having all leaders arrested/killed. You should certainly promote everyone before you get caught, though, as only the gang founder can promote lieutenants.

Жан-Хазан ведут кочевой образ жизни, путешествуя по бедным для земледелия, охоты и рыбалки регионам, где никто другой не пожелал бы жить. Таким образом, они были изолированы от главного центра культуры таяран и создали свое собственное уникальное общество.
Picking good lieutenants is important. Don't just promote the first few people you see. Promote those who appear competent and know what they are doing. Promote gangsters to lieutenants with a gangtool.
Жан-Хазан живут двумя центральными правилами, которые в равной степени стараются соблюдать, хотя конфликт между этими правилами доминирует в жизни Жан-Хазан.

1) Никто не может навязать вам свой путь.  
Newly promoted lieutenants are able to get one free recruitment pen from their gangtool. This is a good reason to promote your lieutenants early, to expand your membership faster.

2) Но никто не может жить в одиночестве.
===Gang Management===
As a part of the gang's inner circle it is your responsibility to keep you gang going. Spray cans are cheap, and distributing them to your gangsters will allow your influence to grow faster. Even when you have a Dominator active, having more territories will make the timer count down faster.

Жан-Хазан организовываются в племена, следуя за Жан-Резар ("Повелитель Ледника"), вождем, который заработал свое имя боевой славой и богатством. Все они слабо связаны друг с другом, “кровное родство” и “семья” понятия не очень хорошо известные среди них. Каждый волен оставить племя по своему желанию и забрать с собой свою часть собственности. Не редкость, когда племена разделяются, особенно если Жан-Резар’ы сражаются друг с другом за власть в племени.  
Communication is extremely important. You should be the central focus for your gang that directs the larger mass. Your gangtool has the ability to send a message to everyone in your gang at no cost. Use these to coordinate your gang and rally them whenever appropriate. If you have a lot of surplus influence, gather your gang in a meeting area and distribute weapons, armor, and spray cans to them to keep your gang strong.

Клятвы считаются священными для Жан-Хазан, так же как их предки и традиции. Поэтому Жан-Хазан будет изо всех сил стремиться отстоять клятвы и будет опасаться давать обещания, особенно если они навсегда.
Avoid traveling alone. Your best avenue for protection are your own gang members. If you are always surrounded by your allies nobody can take you by surprise. It may be a good idea to make sure you always have at least one bodyguard by your side. If your gang is well armed and you are communicating well with them, you could virtually be untouchable.

Жан-Хазан не имеют понятия валюты. Торговля осуществляется через обмен полезными товарами или предметами богатства. Предметы быта, боеприпасы, оружие, продукты питания недоступные в обычных условиях, ювелирные изделия, мелкие инструменты и алкоголь являются примерами того, что они считают ценным.
=== Rise to Power ===
In the early round, resist going around spraying territories with your spray can. Spraying tags leave fingerprints and raises security's suspicion against you. You are far better off passing your spray cans to recruited gangsters, and you can focus on recruitment, equipment, and not getting caught.

Они говорят на Ррхангарр, хриплом гортанном языке, звучащем для человека, как рычание волка, но они способны говорить и на Сайк’мэс, и других языках, если они их выучили. Их имена, как правило, состоят из одного или двух слогов, как "Хар" "Сизхан" или "Рагзор".  Фамилии отсутствуют. Если идентификаторы требуют фамилию, они, как правило, используют "Жан-Хазан".
Another way to grow your influence is to distribute gang outfits. Each gangster who is wearing your outfit grows your influence twice as fast as any territory would.

Your anonymity is your most valuable asset early in the game. If your rivals spot you converting crew or using a gangtool, they're sure to alert their friends. If they manage to do that, consider yourself marked for death.
Жан-Хазан не следуют идеям С'рандарра или Мессы. В общем и в целом, религия в различных племенах Жан-Хазан может отличаться друг от друга, но наиболее распространённой идеей является поклонение Жан-Мал'Резару или "Великому Повелителю Ледников". Жан-Мал'Резар чаще всего рассматривается как тот, кто ценит сильных и оказывает малую помощь слабым. Считается, что его благословление дано большинству Жан-Резар на севере. Тамошние пилигримы верят, что Жан-Мал'Резар направляет их и поэтому они продолжают развивать свою силу, чтобы стать войнами.

===Отношения с другими таяранами===
Do not allow the station to evacuate. If the shuttle is allowed to dock with the station, you only have a few minutes before you lose. If you use your gangtool to recall the shuttle, keep in mind that station security (or even your rivals!) may use your recall signal to pinpoint your location. Never stay in the same spot you recalled the shuttle from unless you are willing to fight them. Active dominators will also prevent the emergency shuttle from leaving the station. If you've missed the window to recall the shuttle, spawning a dominator may be your only recourse from defeat

Из-за своей тяги к индивидуальной свободе и попыток Рабовладельцев подчинить их своей воле, Жан-Хазан с опасением относятся к основным культурам и кланам Таяран, особенно к Хадии. Так же не редкостью являются пограничные рейды, когда Жан-Хазан "заимствуют" оборудование и товары у других таяран.
Remember that rival gangsters can be reverted to a neutral crew member by beating them in the head! Recruit them yourself afterwards to steal members from the enemy.

Иногда воины племени или различных племен служат некоторое количество времени (за товары, конечно) для кланов таяран наемниками, так как они страшны на войне из-за их партизанской тактики и свирепости в ближнем бою.
=== Securing Dominance ===

===Отношение к пришельцам===
After most of the crew has been recruited by one gang or the other and security is knee deep in panic, you can start making efforts to win the game. I recommend that you establish a stronghold to act as a home base for your gang. A place where your gangsters can return to, feel safe, and can restock on weapons and supplies. Don't stop handing out equipment with your gangtool. By this point most members in your gang should be armed and dangerous.

Не редкость, когда молодые Жан-Хазан, оставляют свои племена, чтобы искать приключения и славу за пределами дома, будь то на Адомае или в другом месте, а затем вернуться много лет спустя с накопленным опытом, богатством и боевым искусством, чтобы создавать свои собственные племена как Жан-Резар. Таким образом, некоторые Жан-Хазан в конечном итоге остаются телохранителями для богатых личностей, торговцами или даже пиратами.
Set up a dominator whenever you are ready. You don't have to wait and grab as many territories as possible before you start, but it's an option. If your gang has already dominated the station for some time, even with a long timer you may go uncontested. You might even force the enemy gang and security to try to foolishly assault your entrenched stronghold on your terms and defeat them once and for all. If your dominator is active but with a long timer, it is still worth sending out gangsters to tag territories. The more territories you own, the faster the timer counts down.

Некоторые политики предпочитают этих "диких таяран" в качестве телохранителей, так как они очень преданные и эффективные, по крайней мере до тех пор пока их услуги хорошо оплачиваются.
On the other hand, having lots of territories could be useful especially if the enemy gang starts a takeover with a long timer. If both gangs start their takeovers at the same time, even having a few more territories over the enemy gives you a time advantage of ''several minutes'', forcing them to come attack you on your own terms.

Кроме того, большинство других разумных рас, не очень осведомлены о Жан-Хазан и считают их просто сильными и диковатыми таяранами.
==[[File:gangster.png]] Gangsters==
=== The Job ===
As a gang member, your goal is to help your gang take over the station. The best way to do this is to tag territories with special spray cans your leaders can give you. The more you tag, the more influential your gang is, and the better [[Gang_War#Gang_Equipment|equipment]] your gang can afford.
Alternatively, gang bosses can also distribute gang outfits that, while worn, also increases gang influence, as well as provide you with some minor protection.
When roaming the station, it is recommended that you stick in groups with other gangsters. You are the most vulnerable alone, no matter how well-armed you are. If everyone in your gang has weapons from the boss, you are a force to be reckoned with. Just remember that communicating well with your gang is just as important as being robust.
If your gang has an active Dominator hacking the station, stay close to it and do your best to defend it. Chances are at least one of your gang leaders will be nearby, so you can get him to buy some weapons and armor to help defend.
=== The Boss ===
Regardless of your current duty whatever it may be,  your boss should be the most important figure in your criminal life. Your boss and his lieutenants (each marked by a red G icon) are the only ones who can buy gang items and recruit others into the gang. If one of your gang leaders is under attack, either by an enemy gang or security, do whatever it takes to save them. If your boss doesn't have a bodyguard shadowing him already, it may be worth it to offer your services.
=== The Enemy ===
Security may be the obvious threat at first, but more dangerous is the rival gang.
Be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior from those not in your gang. You may be able to pinpoint who the rival gang members are, or even their boss! If you do find any good intel, be sure to share it with the rest of your gang
Don't be afraid to eliminate rival gang members. But if you can, try capturing them, deconverting them with a good few smacks to the head, and bringing them to your boss for recruitment.
'''''AND REMEMBER:'' If you are deconverted from a gang, your character cannot remember any of the identities of their former gang members. Snitches Get Stitches.'''
==[[File:Hudcentcom.png|20px]] Station Staff==
=== Caught in the Crossfire ===
As a loyal employee of Nanotrasen, it is in your interest to protect the station and your fellow crew mates for the impending bloodbath.
Dealing with both gangs and coming out on top isn't as difficult as it may seem. The gangs will for the most part be preoccupied with killing each other so long as you don't get in their way. Still, gangs should be considered armed and dangerous and are just as likely to kill you than to recruit you.
The best way to shut them down is to deny them their station. And to do that is simple: simply evacuate. Unfortunately, Gang leaders can recall the emergency shuttle from anywhere on the station. Fortunately for you, every time they do this they leave a trace that the communications console can pick up on.
One tactic is to repeatedly call the shuttle and when it gets recalled dispatch security to the location it was recalled from. You can quickly locate and capture a gang leader this way. Or at least bust their stronghold before they become too entrenched.
=== Rehabilitation ===
Like revolution, loyalty implants can be used to deconvert gangsters. Unlike revolution, however, the implant is destroyed after a successful deconversion, so you will need to use two of them to prevent them from getting recruited again.
Keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour. Suspect security officers without loyalty implants as they are vulnerable to corruption. If you spot someone spraying gang tags, report them to security. Chances are if you manage to capture some gangsters they may spill the identities of their opposing gang in hopes that you'll be able to deal with them.
The only way to deconvert a gangster is to give them some good smacks to the head. The more damage they do, and the more hurt they are, the more likely they'll revert back to normal.
Gang Leaders can never be deconverted.
=== Reclaiming the Station ===
The gangs will be fighting over turf. They'll be marking their territories with spray painted tags. Generally, the more territory a gang controls, the stronger they will be. One effective way of curbing the growing power of gangs is to keep the station clean and tidy. Gang tags can be removed with the janitor's mop, soap, or simply taking down the wall/floor tile.
If a gang is attempting to hack the station, your job and likely your life is on the line! Work with security to destroy the gang's Dominator device before the time runs out. It can be damaged with pretty much anything a cyborg can be hurt with.
==Gang Equipment==
Items gang leaders can purchase from their gangtools.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = Switchblades
|image = sblades.png
|foundin = 10 influence
|usedfor = Stabbing your enemies
|description = These make decent melee weapons at 20 damage and are relatively cheap to acquire. They're fairly intimidating and they can retract to fit in your pocket.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = 10mm Pistol
|image = Stetchkin.png
|foundin = 25 influence for pistol, 10 influence for additional ammo
|usedfor = Shooting your enemies
|description = They are small but they pack a hefty punch when they need to. Able to take down an unarmored target with 4 shots. Well worth the investment. Magazines carry 8 rounds.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = Uzi
|image = Uzi.png
|foundin = 60 influence, 40 influence for additional ammo
|usedfor = Perforating your enemies
|description = More expensive, but lets you unload bullets a lot faster than the pistol. You can easily take someone out in just three burst-fire shots, and with a magazine capacity of 32 it's a lot more suited for protracted shootouts.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = Territory Spray Can
|image = gscans.png
|foundin = 10 influence, Gang Boss starting gear
|usedfor = Increasing gang influence, claiming territories for your gang
|description = These spraycans are specially modified to mark a territory for your gang. They can be used on floors and walls. Regular gang members can use these, so it's important distribute them to spread your influence faster. '''You should by buying lots of these'''. It's recommended that you refrain from spraying tags yourself as it may expose yourself to unnecessary risk. The spraycan you start off with should be given to one of your early recruits to tag for you.
They cannot be used to tag areas that already has a gang tag in it, unless you spray directly on top of the old one. They only have 20 uses each though, so don't go wasting it.
They look like regular spray cans, but examining one should show that it's been modified.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = Armored Gang Outfits
|image = suit.png
|foundin = Free from gangtools
|usedfor = Protection, Increasing gang influence
|description = These outfits are completely free to purchase. They're limited in stock, but quickly restocks itself over time. You'll have the choice between a number of different styles to outfit your gang with.
These outfits are not just a fun cosmetic option. They also provide their wearer moderate protection against melee attacks and ballistic weapons, and can quickly grow your gang's influence when worn by gangsters, as you get a bonus to influence for every gangster wearing the outfit.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = C-4
|image = C4.gif
|foundin = 10 Influence
|usedfor = Breaching walls and doors, Blowing stuff up
|description = A useful tool to breach into areas you couldn't otherwise enter. Especially when the rival gang has barricaded themselves into a room with their dominator counting down.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = Implant Breaker
|image = Injector.png
|foundin = 10 influence
|usedfor = Recruiting security and enemy gangsters
|description = These implants are a one-use item that will recruit any target to your gang, even if they are loyalty implanted or belong to the enemy gang. The only group of people you cannot use this on are the enemy bosses. Just keep in mind that, as an injector, it requires the target to remain still for a few seconds.
It will destroy all other implants in the target including itself when it is done.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = Recruitment Pen
|image = Gpen.gif
|foundin = 50 influence, Gang Boss starting gear, Lieutenants get one free
|usedfor = Recruiting more gangsters
|description = These look just like regular pens, but can be used to recruit people to your gang by stabbing them with it. They have a long cooldown between uses during which they will flash blue, and vibrate when they're ready for use again. Forgot which pen was the special one? Jab yourself with it!
You cannot recruit anyone who is loyalty implanted, or already belongs to a gang. Heads of staff, however, can be recruited.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = Gangtool
|image = Gtools.png
|foundin = Costs 10 influence. Gang Boss starting gear
|usedfor = Managing your gang, purchasing gang equipment, recalling the shuttle
|description = Gangtools are your management tools. They will update you on your gang's status, let you spend influence to purchase items, send messages to your gang members, and can recall the shuttle from anywhere on the station. More may be purchased to promote lieutenants, replace lost gangtools, or simply kept as a backup spare.
|bgcolor1 = #A68064
|bgcolor2 = #A68064
|name = Station Dominator
|image = dominator.gif
|foundin = 30 influence
|usedfor = Taking over the station, winning the game
|description = To win, a gang will need to activate and defend one of these for the duration of a takeover attempt. The duration will vary depending on how many territories your gang controls: The more territories, the faster the takeover will be. This can range anywhere from 15 to 3 minutes.
They have 200 HP and can take damage from just about anything a cyborg would get hurt by. Where you spawn it will be important, as you will not be able to relocate it once you have purchased one. Pick your location wisely. Somewhere defensibly if you think your gang is strong enough, or hide it in maint if you think it can buy you more time. Either way, be sure you are ready and gather your gang members before you begin the takeover attempt.
[[Category:Game Modes]]

Версия 13:13, 21 июля 2015

Gscans.png Gang War, or just "Gang", is a unique game mode built specifically for tgstation-code. It has no relation to Goonstation's gang mode.

Tunnel Snakes Rule!

A violent turf war between multiple rival factions has erupted on the station! Similar to Revolution, there are Gang Bosses who recruit other crew members to join their gang.

In order for a gang to claim victory, they must successfully execute a hostile takeover of the station's systems with a Dominator machine. If the shuttle is allowed to evacuate the station before either gang can achieve this, both gangs will lose.

Boss.png Gang Leaders

Your Assets


Influence is what you will slowly accumulate from over time. Every 3 minutes, your influence will grow according to how much control you have over the station. The more territories your gang has tagged, the more influence you get.

Just remember that Influence is shared between the whole gang, so if you want to promote some lieutenants make sure they're trustworthy and competent, as they're going to be buying from the same funds as you do.


Spend influence from gangtools to purchase items for your gang. See the equipment section below for details on purchasable equipment.


Lieutenants can almost everything the boss can. They can recruit, use gangtools, and are immune to deconversion. But they cannot recall the emergency shuttle or promote other gangsters.

You are limited to two lieutenants max, and it is recommended that you promote as many people as necessary to reduce the risk of having all leaders arrested/killed. You should certainly promote everyone before you get caught, though, as only the gang founder can promote lieutenants.

Picking good lieutenants is important. Don't just promote the first few people you see. Promote those who appear competent and know what they are doing. Promote gangsters to lieutenants with a gangtool.

Newly promoted lieutenants are able to get one free recruitment pen from their gangtool. This is a good reason to promote your lieutenants early, to expand your membership faster.

Gang Management

As a part of the gang's inner circle it is your responsibility to keep you gang going. Spray cans are cheap, and distributing them to your gangsters will allow your influence to grow faster. Even when you have a Dominator active, having more territories will make the timer count down faster.

Communication is extremely important. You should be the central focus for your gang that directs the larger mass. Your gangtool has the ability to send a message to everyone in your gang at no cost. Use these to coordinate your gang and rally them whenever appropriate. If you have a lot of surplus influence, gather your gang in a meeting area and distribute weapons, armor, and spray cans to them to keep your gang strong.

Avoid traveling alone. Your best avenue for protection are your own gang members. If you are always surrounded by your allies nobody can take you by surprise. It may be a good idea to make sure you always have at least one bodyguard by your side. If your gang is well armed and you are communicating well with them, you could virtually be untouchable.

Rise to Power

In the early round, resist going around spraying territories with your spray can. Spraying tags leave fingerprints and raises security's suspicion against you. You are far better off passing your spray cans to recruited gangsters, and you can focus on recruitment, equipment, and not getting caught.

Another way to grow your influence is to distribute gang outfits. Each gangster who is wearing your outfit grows your influence twice as fast as any territory would.

Your anonymity is your most valuable asset early in the game. If your rivals spot you converting crew or using a gangtool, they're sure to alert their friends. If they manage to do that, consider yourself marked for death.

Do not allow the station to evacuate. If the shuttle is allowed to dock with the station, you only have a few minutes before you lose. If you use your gangtool to recall the shuttle, keep in mind that station security (or even your rivals!) may use your recall signal to pinpoint your location. Never stay in the same spot you recalled the shuttle from unless you are willing to fight them. Active dominators will also prevent the emergency shuttle from leaving the station. If you've missed the window to recall the shuttle, spawning a dominator may be your only recourse from defeat

Remember that rival gangsters can be reverted to a neutral crew member by beating them in the head! Recruit them yourself afterwards to steal members from the enemy.

Securing Dominance

After most of the crew has been recruited by one gang or the other and security is knee deep in panic, you can start making efforts to win the game. I recommend that you establish a stronghold to act as a home base for your gang. A place where your gangsters can return to, feel safe, and can restock on weapons and supplies. Don't stop handing out equipment with your gangtool. By this point most members in your gang should be armed and dangerous.

Set up a dominator whenever you are ready. You don't have to wait and grab as many territories as possible before you start, but it's an option. If your gang has already dominated the station for some time, even with a long timer you may go uncontested. You might even force the enemy gang and security to try to foolishly assault your entrenched stronghold on your terms and defeat them once and for all. If your dominator is active but with a long timer, it is still worth sending out gangsters to tag territories. The more territories you own, the faster the timer counts down.

On the other hand, having lots of territories could be useful especially if the enemy gang starts a takeover with a long timer. If both gangs start their takeovers at the same time, even having a few more territories over the enemy gives you a time advantage of several minutes, forcing them to come attack you on your own terms.

Gangster.png Gangsters

The Job

As a gang member, your goal is to help your gang take over the station. The best way to do this is to tag territories with special spray cans your leaders can give you. The more you tag, the more influential your gang is, and the better equipment your gang can afford.

Alternatively, gang bosses can also distribute gang outfits that, while worn, also increases gang influence, as well as provide you with some minor protection.

When roaming the station, it is recommended that you stick in groups with other gangsters. You are the most vulnerable alone, no matter how well-armed you are. If everyone in your gang has weapons from the boss, you are a force to be reckoned with. Just remember that communicating well with your gang is just as important as being robust.

If your gang has an active Dominator hacking the station, stay close to it and do your best to defend it. Chances are at least one of your gang leaders will be nearby, so you can get him to buy some weapons and armor to help defend.

The Boss

Regardless of your current duty whatever it may be, your boss should be the most important figure in your criminal life. Your boss and his lieutenants (each marked by a red G icon) are the only ones who can buy gang items and recruit others into the gang. If one of your gang leaders is under attack, either by an enemy gang or security, do whatever it takes to save them. If your boss doesn't have a bodyguard shadowing him already, it may be worth it to offer your services.

The Enemy

Security may be the obvious threat at first, but more dangerous is the rival gang.

Be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior from those not in your gang. You may be able to pinpoint who the rival gang members are, or even their boss! If you do find any good intel, be sure to share it with the rest of your gang

Don't be afraid to eliminate rival gang members. But if you can, try capturing them, deconverting them with a good few smacks to the head, and bringing them to your boss for recruitment.

AND REMEMBER: If you are deconverted from a gang, your character cannot remember any of the identities of their former gang members. Snitches Get Stitches.

Hudcentcom.png Station Staff

Caught in the Crossfire

As a loyal employee of Nanotrasen, it is in your interest to protect the station and your fellow crew mates for the impending bloodbath.

Dealing with both gangs and coming out on top isn't as difficult as it may seem. The gangs will for the most part be preoccupied with killing each other so long as you don't get in their way. Still, gangs should be considered armed and dangerous and are just as likely to kill you than to recruit you.

The best way to shut them down is to deny them their station. And to do that is simple: simply evacuate. Unfortunately, Gang leaders can recall the emergency shuttle from anywhere on the station. Fortunately for you, every time they do this they leave a trace that the communications console can pick up on.

One tactic is to repeatedly call the shuttle and when it gets recalled dispatch security to the location it was recalled from. You can quickly locate and capture a gang leader this way. Or at least bust their stronghold before they become too entrenched.


Like revolution, loyalty implants can be used to deconvert gangsters. Unlike revolution, however, the implant is destroyed after a successful deconversion, so you will need to use two of them to prevent them from getting recruited again.

Keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour. Suspect security officers without loyalty implants as they are vulnerable to corruption. If you spot someone spraying gang tags, report them to security. Chances are if you manage to capture some gangsters they may spill the identities of their opposing gang in hopes that you'll be able to deal with them.

The only way to deconvert a gangster is to give them some good smacks to the head. The more damage they do, and the more hurt they are, the more likely they'll revert back to normal.

Gang Leaders can never be deconverted.

Reclaiming the Station

The gangs will be fighting over turf. They'll be marking their territories with spray painted tags. Generally, the more territory a gang controls, the stronger they will be. One effective way of curbing the growing power of gangs is to keep the station clean and tidy. Gang tags can be removed with the janitor's mop, soap, or simply taking down the wall/floor tile.

If a gang is attempting to hack the station, your job and likely your life is on the line! Work with security to destroy the gang's Dominator device before the time runs out. It can be damaged with pretty much anything a cyborg can be hurt with.

Gang Equipment

Items gang leaders can purchase from their gangtools.


Находится в: 10 influence
Используется для: Stabbing your enemies
These make decent melee weapons at 20 damage and are relatively cheap to acquire. They're fairly intimidating and they can retract to fit in your pocket.

10mm Pistol
10mm Pistol
Находится в: 25 influence for pistol, 10 influence for additional ammo
Используется для: Shooting your enemies
They are small but they pack a hefty punch when they need to. Able to take down an unarmored target with 4 shots. Well worth the investment. Magazines carry 8 rounds.

Находится в: 60 influence, 40 influence for additional ammo
Используется для: Perforating your enemies
More expensive, but lets you unload bullets a lot faster than the pistol. You can easily take someone out in just three burst-fire shots, and with a magazine capacity of 32 it's a lot more suited for protracted shootouts.


Territory Spray Can
Territory Spray Can
Находится в: 10 influence, Gang Boss starting gear
Используется для: Increasing gang influence, claiming territories for your gang
These spraycans are specially modified to mark a territory for your gang. They can be used on floors and walls. Regular gang members can use these, so it's important distribute them to spread your influence faster. You should by buying lots of these. It's recommended that you refrain from spraying tags yourself as it may expose yourself to unnecessary risk. The spraycan you start off with should be given to one of your early recruits to tag for you.

They cannot be used to tag areas that already has a gang tag in it, unless you spray directly on top of the old one. They only have 20 uses each though, so don't go wasting it.

They look like regular spray cans, but examining one should show that it's been modified.

Armored Gang Outfits
Armored Gang Outfits
Находится в: Free from gangtools
Используется для: Protection, Increasing gang influence
These outfits are completely free to purchase. They're limited in stock, but quickly restocks itself over time. You'll have the choice between a number of different styles to outfit your gang with.

These outfits are not just a fun cosmetic option. They also provide their wearer moderate protection against melee attacks and ballistic weapons, and can quickly grow your gang's influence when worn by gangsters, as you get a bonus to influence for every gangster wearing the outfit.

Находится в: 10 Influence
Используется для: Breaching walls and doors, Blowing stuff up
A useful tool to breach into areas you couldn't otherwise enter. Especially when the rival gang has barricaded themselves into a room with their dominator counting down.

Implant Breaker
Implant Breaker
Находится в: 10 influence
Используется для: Recruiting security and enemy gangsters
These implants are a one-use item that will recruit any target to your gang, even if they are loyalty implanted or belong to the enemy gang. The only group of people you cannot use this on are the enemy bosses. Just keep in mind that, as an injector, it requires the target to remain still for a few seconds.

It will destroy all other implants in the target including itself when it is done.

Recruitment Pen
Recruitment Pen
Находится в: 50 influence, Gang Boss starting gear, Lieutenants get one free
Используется для: Recruiting more gangsters
These look just like regular pens, but can be used to recruit people to your gang by stabbing them with it. They have a long cooldown between uses during which they will flash blue, and vibrate when they're ready for use again. Forgot which pen was the special one? Jab yourself with it!

You cannot recruit anyone who is loyalty implanted, or already belongs to a gang. Heads of staff, however, can be recruited.

Находится в: Costs 10 influence. Gang Boss starting gear
Используется для: Managing your gang, purchasing gang equipment, recalling the shuttle
Gangtools are your management tools. They will update you on your gang's status, let you spend influence to purchase items, send messages to your gang members, and can recall the shuttle from anywhere on the station. More may be purchased to promote lieutenants, replace lost gangtools, or simply kept as a backup spare.

Station Dominator
Station Dominator
Находится в: 30 influence
Используется для: Taking over the station, winning the game
To win, a gang will need to activate and defend one of these for the duration of a takeover attempt. The duration will vary depending on how many territories your gang controls: The more territories, the faster the takeover will be. This can range anywhere from 15 to 3 minutes.

They have 200 HP and can take damage from just about anything a cyborg would get hurt by. Where you spawn it will be important, as you will not be able to relocate it once you have purchased one. Pick your location wisely. Somewhere defensibly if you think your gang is strong enough, or hide it in maint if you think it can buy you more time. Either way, be sure you are ready and gather your gang members before you begin the takeover attempt.