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Типы экзокостюмов

Экзокостюмы разделены на три основные категории: Инженерный, Медицинский, и Боевой

  • Инженерные экзокостюмы как правило медленны, но обладают большим объемом батареи и могут легче проводить строительные или разрушительные задачи.
  • Медицинские экзокостюмы специализированны на быстром лечении и транспортировки членов экипажа.
  • Боевые экзокостюмы хорошо вооружены, чтобы противостоять угрозам станции и другим игрокам. Из-за их мощи, они не могут быть построены обычными способами.

Значения "Защита": Brute/Fire/Bullet/Laser/Energy/Bomb

Иконка Название Класс Здоровье Шанс отражения Защита Максимальная температура Информация
APLU "Ripley" Инженерный 200 0 Нету 20,000 Медленно-передвигающийся экзокостюм, обычно используемый для работы в шахте. В крайнем случае может быть использован для сверления дверей и стен.
Death Ripley Инженерный 200 0 Нету 20,000 Админская версия "Рипли". Движется намного быстрее и экипирован УБИЙСТВЕННЫМ ЗАЖИМОМ (KILL CLAMP), который по большей части безвреден.
FireFighter Ripley Инженерный 250 0 1.0/0.5/0.8/1.0/1.0/0.5 65,000 Тяжелобронированный "Рипли", имеющий практически непобедимое сопротивление к температурам и обладающий дополнительной защитой.
Honker HONK HONK! 140 60 1.2/1.5/1.0/1.0/1.0/1.0 25,000 Тяжелый клоунский мех, которому требуется листы Бананиума для завершения. Может быть оснащен некоторым наиболее раздражающим вооружением, что встречается в игре. Если клоун получит один из таких мехов, то это БУДЕТ проблемой.
Odysseus Медицинский 120 15 Нету 15,000 Очень быстро передвигающийся медицинский экзокостюм. Он страдает высоким энергопотреблением, когда создает реагенты используя Syringe Gun.
Gygax Боевой 300 15 0.75/1.0/0.8/0.7/0.85/1.0 25,000 Быстро передвигающийся легкий охранный экзокостюм. Обладает специальной способностью, которая очень сильно ускоряет его передвижения за счет его целостности. Эта способность не может быть использована при целостности менее 66%. Требуется алмаз для завершения бронированных листов.
Dark Gygax Тяжело-боевой (Heavy Combat) 400 25 0.6/0.8/0.6/0.5/0.65/0.8 45,000 Значительно улучшенный Гигакс используемый эскадроном смерти НаноТрейзен.
Durand Боевой 400 20 (35) 0.5/1.1/0.65/0.85/0.9/0.8 30,000 Этот экзокостюм более защищен, чем Гигакс, но движется медленнее. Может активировать режим защиты, который блокирует возможность передвижения меха, но увеличивает его защиту и шанс отражения. Требуется Ураниум для завершения бронированных листов.
Phazon Экспериментально-боевой (Experimental Combat) 200 30 0.7/0.7/0.7/0.7/0.7/0.7 25,000 Экспериментальный и админо-заспавненый мех с наибольшими защитными показателями. Обладает специальной способностью, которая позволяет телепортироваться через стены, двери, и другие плотные объекты, за счет своей энергии. Фазон так же может менять наносимый им урон рукопашной атакой между брут-уроном, огненным, или токсичным уроном.
Maruader Тяжело-боевой (Heavy Combat) 500 25 0.5/0.7/0.45/0.6/0.7/0.7 60,000 Высоко-бронированный боевой экзокостюм, улучшенная модель Дюранда. При "спавне" вооружен CS-L 'Solaris' Лазерной Пушкой (Laser Cannon), Баллистическими Ракетами (Ballistic Missile Rack), и Энергетическим Реле (Energy Relay). Высокие показатели защиты и здоровья представляют серьезную трудность в уничтожении меха. Может использовать функцию зума, двигатели для контроля космических полетом, и выпускать дымовые бомбы для скрытия своей позиции.
Seraph Тяжело-боевой (Heavy Combat) 550 25 0.5/0.7/0.45/0.6/0.7/0.7 60,000 Заказная модель Мародёра, используемая высокопоставленным военным персоналом.
Mauler Тяжело-боевой (Heavy Combat) 500 25 0.5/0.7/0.45/0.6/0.7/0.7 60,000 Версия Мародёра от Синдиката.


The only objects capable of constructing individual mech parts is the Exosuit Fabricator, however the machine can only be operated by those with an Id that has roboticist access. More important than the physical parts of the mech are the circuit boards required to build them as well, which can be quite difficult to obtain. Only the Odysseus and Ripley circuit boards can be acquired through cargo, the rest must be manufactured through Research and Development. The following is required to create most mechs:

  1. Metal and Glass for the Fabricator
  2. A chassis, arms, legs, torso, and head. (Some mechs have less parts than others)
  3. A Central Control circuit board
  4. A Peripherals Control circuit board
  5. If the mech is a Combat mech, a Weapons & Targeting Control circuit board.
  6. For light mechs, Metal for internal armor and Platsteel for exterior armor.
  7. For heavier mechs, Plasteel for internal armor.
  8. Heavy mechs require a specific armor layer, made from the Exosuit Fabricator in addition to the plasteel interior armor.

Note: This list does not include weapons or equipment installed on a mech.


Once every part is ready for assembly, follow these steps:

  1. Attach all individual parts of the mech to its Chassis.
    1. For the Fire Fighter Ripley, attach a Fire Suit to the Chassis.
  2. Use a Wrench to connect the hydraulic systems.
  3. Use a Screwdriver to active the hydraulic systems.
  4. Use a Cable Coil to add wiring to the chassis.
  5. Use a pair of Wirecutters to adjust the wiring.
  6. Install the Central Control board.
  7. Secure the mainboard with a Screwdriver.
  8. Install the Peripherals Control board.
  9. Secure the Peripherals board with a Screwdriver.
  10. If the mech is a Combat Mech:
    1. Install the Weapons and Targeting board.
    2. Secure the Weapons and Targeting board with a screwdriver.
  11. If the mech is a Gygax or a Durand:
    1. Install an Advanced Sensor Module.
    2. Secure the Module with a Screwdriver.
    3. Install an Advanced Capacitor.
    4. Secure the Capcitor with a Screwdriver.
  12. Install an internal armor layer. (Metal for most mechs, plasteel for others)
  13. Secure the internal armor layer with a Wrench.
  14. Weld the internal armor layer to the chassis with a Welding tool.
  15. Install the exterior armor layer. (Plasteel for non-combat mechs, Special armor for Gygax and Durand)
  16. Secure the exterior armor layer with a Wrench.
  17. Weld the exterior armor layer to the chassis with a Welding Tool.
  18. Add weapons and equipment to the finished mech.


Operating a mech can be difficult and confusing at first, but Mech Security is of upmost importance when operating one.

First Checks

First, enter the Exosuit by either right-clicking on it or using the "Enter Exosuit" option in the "Objects" tab. Once inside, a new tab appears called "Exosuit Interface". Click on this tab and do "View Stats". Take the window that appears and move it to the side for reference and quick access. Perform the following steps:

  • Go to the Permissions and Logging tab, and DNA-Lock the mech. This prevents any crewmember that isn't identical to the occupant from entering the mech.
  • Under Permissions & Logging, Forbid Maintience Protocols. This stops unwanted locking of the mech through other players.
  • Under Internal Airtank, Toggle the internal airtank usage. This airtank is massive and it is impossible to use it within one round normally.
  • Under Permissions & Logging, Lock the ID upload panel. This prevents players from denying access to the mech by ID.
  • Optionally, under Permissions & Logging, the exosuit's name can be changed. This changes the mech's visible name to other players. Be aware players cannot tell who is in the mech unless the occupant speaks.

The mech is now fully prepped and virtually impossible to enter by anyone that isn't the original player.

Movement and Equipment

Moving the mech is as simple as moving normally, albeit the mech must be turned in the direction it needs to move before it can move, and any actions must take place on the tiles infront of it. Switching equipment is as easy as using the Exosuit Interface tab, accessing the Status window, and clicking the tool desired. It is noteworthy that all mechs are space-worthy, so walking out of an airlock is fine as long as the internal air tank is activated. Just don't slip and fly off into space.

Note: Clicking the equipment that's under the Equipment tab will detach it from the mech; so don't do that.

In general, using equipment costs some power from the mech's Energy Cell. The amount depends on what tool it is and how often it is used. In addition, having the lights on, turning, and moving also requires energy. Be sure to have spare cells or be nearby a recharging bay. Be aware that electrodes fired from tasers drain a mech's power cell by 200 points if they hit. (For reference, a mech's default cell has 15,000 points.)

Sustaining Damage

Whenever the mech sustains damage, the amount of damage taken is multiplied by the mech's armor ratings (See the table above) and then applied. However, mechs with high deflection chances can nullify strikes from blunt objects and reflect projectiles in the direction they came from. In the case of explosives, the deflection chance can lesser the effect of damage taken. A mech can take crippling internal damage if its integrity falls below a certain point, however this number is different for each exosuit. All external damage can be repaired by using a welding tool on the mech with a help intent.


The art of neutralizing threats using robots.

  • Non-combat exosuits must rely on their equipment to harm entities. For the Ripley, using the Clamp with a Harm intent does 20 brute damage, and this works especially well if the target is trapped by the mech. The Drill can also gib incapacitated players.
  • The Odysseus can fill its reagent bay with toxins and inject players using the syringe gun, or inject them manually by stealing them with the mounted sleeper. Players that are inside the mech's sleepers are rendered unconscious and unable to eject themselves from the mech, so they are entirely at the mercy of the driver. Optionally, the occupant can unload players in the sleeper into space.
  • Combat Exosuits can either use the weapons they are equipped with, which do respectable damage, or can physically attack their targets by being next to them and using the harm intent. Heavier combat mechs do more damage, and punching mobs can fling them back.
  • Remember, mechs have density, so they are immovable by almost anything that isn't the singularity. Use this to corner willy assistants.
  • Mech turning is a movement in and of itself. They cannot slide backwards.
  • Mechs can only interact forwards. They can only melee the three frontal squares. You can still shoot people standing directly next to you by being clever. You cannot do anything to someone standing behind you.

Auxiliary Equipment

All exosuits are equipped with a small range of basic equipment, including a Radio, Internal Air Tank and Floodlights.

  • The radio can be tuned to any frequency needed, and acts as a station-bounced radio. If the occupant lacks a headset, they can turn on the speakers to listen in, and the microphone to automatically transmit whatever they say.
  • The Internal Air Tank is massive, so it is advisable to always have it on. The only time it ever needs to be refilled is if it suffers a breach from internal mecha damage.
  • Floodlights can be toggled from the "Exosuit Interface" tab. They use a slight amount of power while active, so turn them off to conserve power.


When the mech takes damage, runs out of power, or new equipment becomes available, performing maintenance on the exosuit is a must, especially when repairing internal damage.

Exchanging Power Cells

It is possible, instead of waiting for a mech to charge, to simply exchange power cells. This is usually much faster, but requires the occupant to exit their mech, so do it in a safe place. Or simply upgrade the shitty power cell it starts with with a hyper-capacity power cell with twice as much storage.

  1. Inside the mech, Permit maintenance protocols.
  2. Exit the mech.
  3. Swipe a roboticist-level ID on the mech.
  4. Initiate a maintenance protocol.
  5. Use a Wrench to undo the securing bolts.
  6. Use a Crowbar to open the hatch to the power unit.
  7. Use a Screwdriver to unscrew and eject the cell.
  8. Insert the new cell into the mech.
  9. Use a Screwdriver to secure the cell.
  10. Use a crowbar to close the hatch to the power unit.
  11. Use a Wrench to tighten the securing bolts.
  12. Swipe the ID on the mech again.
  13. Initiate a maintenance protocol again to stop the protocols.
  14. Enter the mech.
  15. Forbid maintenance protocols.

Internal Damage

Internal damage happens when a mech becomes critically damaged. That is, once a mech's integrity drops below a certain point, it has a chance to take crippling internal damage that cannot always be repaired normally.

  • Internal Fire: The mech and the occupant take fire damage until the fire is extinguished. The mech will automatically attempt to extinguish internal fires if the temperature controller is still operational.
  • Airtank Breach: The mech constantly leaks airtank pressure into the environment. To repair, activate a maintenance protocol, open the hatch to the power unit, and use a Welding Tool to seal the airtank.
  • Temperature Control Failure: Internal temperature control fails inside the mech and causes the to be subject to heat changes in the mech and in the enviorment. To repair this malfunction, initiate a maintenance protocol and open the hatch to the power unit. Repair the damaged temperature controller using a screwdriver.
  • Calibration Lost: The mech will step in random directions until the calibration is restored through the Exosuit's status panel. This requires the mecha to remain immobile for calibration to complete.
  • Short Circuit: Damages the mech's cell capacity and charge over time. To repair, activate a maintenance protocol, open the hatch to the power unit, and replace the fused wiring with a cable coil.
  • Equipment Damage: Removes a random piece of exosuit equipment from the mech. Cannot be repaired, must be replaced.
Name Internal Damage Threshold
All "Ripley" Models 60
Odysseus 35
Honker 60
Gygax Models 35
Druand 50
Phazon 25
Marauder & Mauler 25
Seraph 20

Man-Machine Interfaces and Equipment

It is possible to insert a player's brain clamped to an MMI into a mech. This player can pilot the mech normally. Do note that MMI's inserted into mechas are not bound to any AI-based laws, asimov or otherwise, so they cannot be controlled.

Equipment can be detached from a mecha from its status window under the "Equipment" Tab. Pressing detach will place it under the mecha. To attach new equipment, simply click on the mech with the equipment in hand.

Equipment List

Majority of what makes a mech a threat is how heavily equipped it is. Most tools fall into specific categories, however many can be attached to all mechs.

Icon Name Compatibility Power Usage Function
Mounted Sleeper Medical Exosuits Only 20 When used on a player, loads them into the mech's sleeper. From here, the occupant of the mecha can inject the player with any loaded reagents from the Syringe Gun. Loading a player into a sleeper automatically injects them with 10 units of inaprovaline. Players cannot eject themselves from the sleeper and become unconscious once loaded.
Syringe Gun Medical Exosuits Only 10 (100) Holds up to 10 syringes, can analyze almost any object to aquire chemical reagents to load into it, can synthesize reagents and prevent them from mixing, can launch syringes at players, and can use its reagents to inject players inside mounted sleepers. Uses 10 energy when firing, and 100 energy when synthesizing reagents. Can collect syringes from inside containers, and also stores any reagents in those syringes.
Hydraulic Clamp Ripley Only 10 Powerful clamp used to lift most objects into a Ripley's cargo hold, which can hold up to 15 objects. Can pick up almost anything that isn't nailed down, including lockers, crates, medkits, and other objects. When used without a harm intent, it pushes players out of the way. With the harm intent, it deals 20 brute damage to a player. Having an ore crate in cargo while mining with a drill will store any minerals drilled into the ore crate.
Drill Ripley & Combat 10 A drill supposedly used for mining, however more often used to drill airlocks and walls apart to gain illicit access. When used on Rock at the mining asteroid, it can drill three tiles at once. Can also be used to gib mobs whilst they are standing still or incapacitated. Cannot drill through reinforced walls or indestructible items, such as the Nuclear Authentication Disk.
Diamond Drill Ripley & Combat 10 An improved drill. This one can take down reinforced walls and drills faster.
Extinguisher Ripley Only 0 Has a capacity of 200 units of water, and each blast uses 5 units of water. Clicking on a Water Tank will refill the extinguisher. It is advisable to carry a water tank in the Ripley's cargo hold to have a supply of water on hand anywhere. Extremely favorable when Xenobiologists release slimes.
Rapid-Construction-Device Engineering Only 250 (500) This mounted device can quickly build or destroy flooring, walls, and airlocks from up to three to four squares away. Uses 250 energy when deconstructing, and 500 energy when constructing.
Teleporter Any Exosuit 1000 A versatile exosuit module that allows the user to teleport the mech to any location within view. Extremely high energy cost.
Gravitational Catapult Any Exosuit 100 Has two modes: S and P. S allows the mech to lock onto an object within view range and relocate it to somewhere else on screen. P creates an anti-gravity pulse at the tile selected, pushing all objects and mobs away from that location. Can be used to cause confusion, move people manually, and space people without touching them.
Wormhole Generator Any Exosuit 300 Generates a wormhole which flings anything that travels through it a short distance from it. If the wormhole turns orange, the exit point is jammed.
Armor Booster (Close Combat) Any Exosuit but the Honker 50 While active, increases the mech's deflection chance by 15% and reduces incoming melee damage by 20%. Effective against Grey Tides and mutants with telekinesis.
Armor Booster (Projectiles) Any Exosuit but the Honker 50 While active, increases the mech's deflection chance by 15% and reduces the damage of incoming projectiles by 20%. Effective against things armed with guns, like Security, Syndicate Operatives, and Traitors.
Repair Droid Any Exosuit 100 When activated, begins repairing the mech's integrity while draining large amounts of energy. Can also repair damaged temperature controllers and seal airtank breaches on the mecha.
Energy Relay Any Exosuit 0 Uses no energy, so should almost always be active unless the area's power needs to be preserved. Wirelessly siphons energy from the surrounding powernet and APC's. Charges approximately 12 power per use.
Plasma Converter Any Exosuit 0 Uses solid plasma sheets for generator fuel. Can supplement a battery charge or give a mecha some extra power in a pinch. Stores up to 40 sheets of plasma and generates 20 power per cycle. Consumes in fractional units of a sheet per cycle (numbers?). Be aware if the generator critically fails, it can start a plasma fire. It fills the nearby area with hot CO2 and a small amount of toxins.
Uranium Converter Any Exosuit 0 Uses solid uranium sheets for generator fuel. Generates significantly more power per cycle then the plasma generator (50 as opposed to 20). Can hold approximately 15 sheets of uranium. Consumes in fractional units of a sheet per cycle (numbers?). It floods the nearby area with radiation and will spam the message "your clothes feel warm!" to the driver, but does not affect them.
Cable Layer Ripley Only 0 Can load up to 1000 pieces of cable into its bay. When activated, places cables as the mecha moves.
CH-PS "Immolator" Laser Combat Only 30 Fires a laser projectile matching those fired from hand-held weapons. Cools down in 8 ticks.
CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Combat Only 60 Fires a heavy laser projectile that does far more damage than its lighter counterpart. Cools down in 15 ticks.
mkIV Ion Heavy Cannon Combat Only 120 Fires an extremely large ion blast that is extremely effective against silicon units and other mechas. Completely ineffective against carbon-based mobs. Cools down in 40 ticks.
eZ-13 mk2 Heavy Pulse Rifle Combat Only 120 Fires a very powerful laser blast that can destroy walls and kill most humans in two to three hits. Cools down in 30 ticks.
PBT "Pacifier" Mounted Taser Combat Only 20 Fires an electrode, much like those from hand-held tasers and energy guns. Can be used to rapidly drain the power of non-combat mechas or to non-lethally incapacitate players. Cools down in 8 ticks.
HoNkER BlAsT 5000 Honker Only 200 Anyone who hears it without proper ear protection is promptly given deafness for a while and a seizure. This is why people shouldn't have built a Honker. Cools down in 150 ticks.
LBX AC-10 "Scattershot" Combat Only 25 Per Round Fires a spread of 4 bullets. Highly lethal. Cools down in 20 ticks with a magazine capacity of 40 rounds.
Ultra AC2 Combat Only 20 Per Round Fires a line of 3 projectiles with slight spread. Knocks the target down when they are hit. Cools down in 10 ticks and has a magazine capacity of 300 rounds.
SRM-8 Missile Rack Combat Only 1000 Per Round Fires explosive missiles that can be used to destroy objects and players alike. Hitting something directly with a missile does 15 damage. Cools down in 60 ticks and has a magazine capacity of 8 rounds.
SGL-6 Grenade Launcher Combat Only 800 Per Round A devious device that fires flashbangs for incapacitating crewmembers and potentially destroying the Blob. Cools down in 60 ticks and has a magazine capacity of 6 rounds. The variant, the SOP-6 Grenade Launcher, fires clusterbangs, consisting of approximately 12 flashbangs.
Banana Mortar Honker Only 100 Per Round If people killed the clown for growing bananas and leaving them all over the hallway, imagine how they're going to feel when the clown can launch countless numbers of them from the safety of a mecha. Cools down in 20 ticks and has a magazine capacity of 15 rounds.
Mousetrap Mortar Honker Only 100 Per Round Slightly less annoying than the Banana mortar in the fact that what it launches is also slightly useful. (Mousetraps can be used to make contact mines) Cools down in 10 ticks and has a magazine capacity of 15 rounds.


There are neat things about mechs that people should know incase they need to keep one alive or blow one up.


  • All exosuits are spaceworthy. Likewise, all exosuits cannot alter their trajectories once they are free-falling in space.
  • If an exosuit has to replace air in its tank, a potentially lethal mix can be made inside atmos and wired to the port the mecha attempts to connect to, thereby rendering the air tank useless until it is drained and replaced with normal air.
  • A mech's armor is a multiplier to the damage that is done to it. The Phazon, for instance, takes all damage times .7, meaning it takes only 70% damage. The Honker, however, takes extra damage.
  • Mechs can be made immobile by initiating a maintenance protocol. Use an ID on the mech and start one. If the occupant has not disabled them, the mech is now assistant target practice.
  • MMI's can be placed inside mechs to make them the driver. MMI's placed into a mech are not bound to any laws, however they are also not considered human to the AI. But what's the AI going to do? Bolt the doors that he can drill down?
  • Activating internals using the internals button above your health still works, and can be used if the air tank of the mech suffers a breach. Be sure to have an oxygen tank either in a belt, suit storage, or pockets.
  • If you have a total bro with you, ask him to follow you around and repair your mecha as you fight. This way, it's almost impossible for you to die as long as he keeps repairs up or doesn't get hit himself.
  • If a melee attack is deflected from a mecha, the attacker takes a small amount of damage.
  • Mechs can't see emotes or deathgasps. You can play dead with the rest command. They might also not be able to see messages such as [John Doe] throws the flashbang (needs confirmation).
  • Slimes and mobs "tend to" ignore mechs and have difficulty hurting them for a variety of reasons.
  • Bombs at bombcap from point blank will turn any mech into a wreck.
  • Destroying a mech will NOT kill the person inside. They only receive damage from the mech "exploding," not whatever you killed the mech with. If they have a bomb-resistant suit or a RIG on they will probably not even be downed. While the wreck can be pushed around standing "inside" of it gives an indestructible barrier they can fire out of with impunity. You will need to melee them immediately after.
  • Setting a welder to the harm intent will damage a mech. Setting it to help will repair. Don't mix this up.
  • Mechs use not-insignificant amounts of power simply walking around.
  • You can salvage materials from wrecked mechs with crowbars, wire cutters, welders, and possibly wrenches (air tanks, power cells, wires, modules, metal,etc.)


  • The cargo hold of the Ripley can hold up to 15 items. 15 Items is a lot. In fact, if you were to load bodies into a locker and put it into the cargo hold, people will probably never find them again. Or you can capture live people inside welded lockers and hold them captive in your impenetrable cargo bay.
  • The Ripley is slow as shit, so make sure the mech's massive size is put to use by trapping people inside small corridors. Otherwise, it's like taunting a fat kid with a candy bar.


  • The Syringe Gun can analyze almost any reagent and produce it at a cost of energy. However, it cannot analyze a select few reagents, namely Chloral Hydrate. Find another way to sedate people.
  • The Syringe Gun can still manufacture highly lethal substances. When five of these substances are combined into 3 units each, you can kill people with toxins in 6 seconds or less. Lexorin, Synaptazine, Plasma, Mercury, and Radium are all good chemicals.
  • The Syringe Gun can be made into a makeshift chem dispenser by analyzing reagents and dispensing syringes full of them. If chemistry is being a cock and asking for more plasma, analyze some and dispense syringes of it for them. Works well with Sulfuric Acid for the Research Director when medbay inevitably gets bombed.
  • If you miss with the Syringe Gun, you can always pick the syringe back up and be refunded the chemicals that were put into it.
  • The Syringe Gun can snatch syringes from containers.
  • The Syringe Gun will automatically load equal proportions of all reagents present inside it. If there are 5 reagents, 3 of each will be loaded. If there are 10, 1.5 of each, and so on.
  • Mounted sleepers take only two seconds to load a player into. Once they are loaded, they are completely at your mercy. Snatch up that SUPER HALK and see how he likes space, toxins, or both.


  • A Gygax's Leg Articulators Overload makes it move faster than a black man with a purse, but damages the mech down to 66%. Use it when you need to get to a cry for help or get away from a jihadist.
  • Research and Development and Robotics starts with 2 diamonds each. Luckily, this is just enough to make the armor sheets of a Gygax without divine intervention from Cargo or Mining.
  • A repair droid and the Gygax's special ability make a good combo, but the Power to Repair ratio is pretty low. Make sure you have a very high capacity cell.
  • The Gygax's punches do 30 damage.


  • The Durand's punches do a shitload of damage (40 points). They do so much damage that you can crit someone in three hits, and kill them in about five. Take advantage of this.
  • The Durand is godly against melee and bullets, but still takes decent damage from lasers and energy weapons. Ensure to prioritize threats.
  • The Durand's defence mode increases its deflection chance up to 35. The mecha is also tanky, so don't be afraid to take some damage. Find a good point where the enemy cannot get around the mech and keep them down with your weapons, while they shoot themselves with their own weapons.


  • The honker takes extra brute and fire damage. Avoid the detective, cargo, and assistants with flame throwers.
  • The honker has extremely low health, so be sure to incapacitate anyone who is a threat immediately.


  • Be a cock by changing your melee damage to poison and hitting random people.
  • Phasing requires 200 energy per tick. Make sure you don't take too much time getting in, or you won't be able to get out.
  • The Phazon has decent armor protection against all damage.
  • The Phazon has low health for a combat mecha. Do not directly engage enemies with it. Instead, phase through a wall behind them and punch them with toxic damage.

Marauder, Seraph, and Mauler

  • The Seraph has the highest punch force of all mechas, at 55 damage. You can destroy a Ripley in three hits, and cripple most mechs with four.
  • You can equip up to 5 items on the Seraph.
  • Only those with a special Central Command access can enter a Seraph, so don't even try to disable and steal it.
  • The Seraph has the lowest internal damage threshold of any mech, at 20%.
  • The Mauler requires Syndicate access to operate.
  • Using the zoom function allows you to see 12x12 tiles instead of 7x7 tiles.


  • As previously mentioned, the drill can remove pretty much anything that's not specifically un-drillable from existence. Anything drilled with it will get it's contents deleted as well, so don't use it to open crates -- you'll just destroy them and everything inside it.
  • The drill can remove floor tiles and replace them with space.
  • The drill can get through just about any airlock.