Участник:Haggerd/Haggerd Second Workshop

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Borers are tiny little slugs that can help you out by making medicines, information, genetic upgrades, and even unique powers for you in exchange for letting them live in your body.

General Overview

A borer is a tiny, green slug that looks like a turd if you squint or are sufficiently inebriated. They are a symbiotic life-form that cuddles up to your warm, squishy body and can manipulate your biological properties in ways that make pAIs green with jealousy. Is your girlfriend stalking victim not impressed by your inverted biceps and manboobs? A borer can fix that. Did you just blind yourself while cutting into the armory? A borer can fix that. Are you suffering from a collapsed lung and no surgeons are available to fix it? A borer can fix that too.

Borers used to be an antagonist type, but due to being a buggy clusterfuck that just didn't work with /vg/ culture, they were re-purposed as a helper. They can spawn during the "vermin" random event or hatch from eggs that other borers can spawn if there's plasma in the air and a ghost nearby with the Borer preference on. By default, all stations now come with a single Borer egg in Xenobiology. More borer eggs can be ordered from Cargo.

Playing Host

So you now have a slug, or more, in your body. Don't panic - as long as you don't piss it off enough to make it look for another host or get it removed, it will be happy to create useful medicines and mutations for you in exchange for its own safety. You can communicate through whispers, emotes, and normal speech with your borer. Be aware that salt will make bad things happen to your borer.

Removing a bad friend in you

Sometimes relationships don't work out, in this case you should head to the medbay and consult a surgeon to remove the borer. If a surgeon is unavailable, you can also consume salt in order to poison all borers in your body. That said, if things get that bad odds are the borer will just leave on its own to find a host it likes better.

Borer 101

Being a borer is an interesting experience, and you probably won't have it happen very often.

As a slug you are incredibly weak to everything, and have the health of about a simple mouse. In this state you are quite vulnerable, so make sure to hide under tables and other objects using the Hide command. Finding a nice, cozy body to reside in should be your #1 goal.

Finding Your Soulmate

The denizens of the station are constantly moving and won't be around in the same place for long. The best place to find a "mate" are high-traffic areas, such as the bar and arrivals. You can also coordinate with other borers and their hosts to help market yourself to a willing a host.

When you've found a nice target, use the Infest command to slowly make your move on them, make certain they aren't going anywhere soon as there is a small time frame where their movement could cause you to plop back on the floor. The body part that you're currently targeting will be the one that you infest, so choose wisely.

Choosing Your Residence

A borer can infest six total locations on a human: the head, torso, left arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg. Which limb you are currently inhabiting affects the actions and evolutions that are currently available to you. For example, a borer inside a head has unrivaled chemical production capabilities, while a borer inside the chest has the ability to spend chems constantly in order to reduce brute or burn damage taken by the host for a short time. Leg borers get abilities centered around movement, and arm borers can gain a wide range of abilities depending on which specialization they choose.

The evolution chart at the bottom of the page has more detailed information on the exact abilities granted to each limb.

Choose Your Character

So you don't know who you want to enslave be best friends with? Here are a few jobs you can consider helping with.

  • Assistants: Get into trouble for being the greytide, expect to give lots of painkillers and dermaline.
  • Security: Expect MORE painkillers, and brutal beatings. Probably some of the more potent medicines too if they're particularly struggling with the job or if that shift's antagonist is going loud. An arm borer's shield or extend-o-arm can be quite handy for a Security officer.
  • Engineers: Not too bad, may need a little antitox here and there, but should be easy. Unless one of the engines fucks up massively due to incompetence, sabotage, or both. Then you'll have your nonexistent hands full. A little peridaxon might help for those who keep forgetting to set their internals when going into space.
  • Scientists: What you'll end up doing depends on what they feel like trying out. For RnD you can just sit back and watch, but for others you'll need to pay careful attention to the specific hazards that might pop up. Xenobiologists will need bicaridine and maybe rezadone, depending on how temperamental the slimes are. Toxins scientists will probably need antitox and burn medicine due to their tendency to flood their workspace with plasma fires, and the artifacts from xenoarchaeology can be dangerously unpredictable. On the bright side, they all will be able to get you back to Xenobio for egg-laying purposes.
  • Miners: The asteroid is isolated, far away from most forms of medical assistance, and populated with monsters which will turn a miner into a reddish paste within a few strikes. Needless to say, the Miners will be grateful for keeping them alive in the face of a hungry Goliath, and your ability to provide hyperzine for them will also be appreciated.
  • Doctors: Medbay is the place where you will be loved and abused for you chems. Doctors will enjoy having you being able to heal people that would take more time out of their busy WILD RIDE schedule. Be prepared for EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. No, you can't just dump chems into their blood and have them use a ChemMaster to refine them into pills.
  • Clown: You madslug, you dare assist the Clown and Honkmother? Expect everything to go wrong, and watch the horror pranks unfold.
  • Command staff: Probably the most important buddy they will ever have. Heads of staff always have a target on their back (especially the Captain) and your ability to provide medicine anytime can mean the difference between life and death for them. Communication with your other borers may prove useful to get information on possible threats your hosts don't know about.
  • Antags: If you wanna get some valids by proxy, try seeing if a wizard or nuclear agent will take you with them. With your help, they can easily complete their objectives. It is okay to help your host kill others, it is NOT OKAY to try to kill your host or previous murderer because you got salty.

Inside the Body

Congratulations, you're the proud owner of a shiny new host, one small step for slug domination friendship aboard the station. You should probably introduce yourself using the say command (the :& prefix lets you communicate with your bretheren). You should also let your bros know that you've found a home, and who that host is. Remember, your only goal as a borer is to stay alive for the whole round, and the best way to do that is to give your host a good reason not to have you removed. That involves not being a dick.

The perspective of the slug has no HUD, and no real control over anything at this point. Within the tabs on your right you'll find a nice bunch of abilities you can use to assist your host.

Borers have a telepathic link to their borer buddies, so you can use :& to speak with them much like a normal radio headset. You can also speak normally to your host without :& and they'll hear you as a voice coming from whichever body part you're residing in. Since your host can only communicate with you by speaking, beware of medical personnel, who will think your host has some mental ailment.

By using the Excrete Chemicals ability, you can give your host a range of helpful medicines such as Kelotane and Bicardine. Remember not to overdose them, though - a live host is always preferable to a dead host and doing so deliberately is grounds for a jobban. As you help out your host, you'll eventually unlock more chemical types for you to help them with such as the highly sought-after Rezadone and Peridaxon (for head borers,) act as a reagent scanner/health analyzer for your host, and can even make some helpful genetic changes.

You will always be able to Reproduce outside of your host by ejecting an egg for 100 chems. It is best to do this in a quiet area, as you will need to leave your host and will be unable to act while producing eggs. Also ensure the desired area has air and a reasonable temperature, as you can die to unsatisfactory atmospheric conditions. (You are, however, immune to Toxins.) In addition, make sure that Ian is not in the room, as he will eat your eggs in a heartbeat. In most cases, this will be the isolation cell in Xenobiology that you likely hatched in; if your host doesn't have access to it already, have him ask the AI to open it up so you can drop a few eggs.


  • Borers cannot remember anything from their previous life (if any), but can know the basics of the station due to spess magic.
  • Under no circumstances should a borer intentionally harm the host it is currently inhabiting. You are not allowed to enter a new host and poison them just because your previous host asked you to do so.
  • Borers are most safe within a human host, dead or alive, nothing can harm you from within, not heat, space, or a brutal beating. Unless you are removed via surgery or gibbed, you are in a fortress of fleshy solitude.
  • Borers are quite vulnerable to nearly everything outside of a host, like fire, a breeze that slams you into a wall. The only real exception to this is plasma in the air, but even then you still need at least a little oxygen.
  • As a Borer, you can provide one other thing to your hosts far more important than medicines- information. It's typical for borers to share with each other what their hosts are up to, and this means that they'll be the first ones to know if one of their hosts is up to something potentially dangerous. If you learn something in Borer chat that your host might need to know (e.g. about a planned bombing or suspicious activity happening elsewhere), don't be shy about sharing it.
  • Leaving a host will remove all gene upgrades that you provided to them in that body part. This prevents you from upgrading a host with every gene upgrade as a single borer.

Силы слизня-борера:

  • Assume control - после подселения в тело жертвы, позволяет захватить контроль над ней.
  • Dominate victim - Вы сбиваете с ног жертву силой мысли.
  • Hide - прячет спрайт вашего борера под спрайтами других вещей
  • Infest - ваш борер "подселяется" в тело носителя. Внимание, на текущий момент сделать это можно только на людях без головных уборов.
  • Release Host - Позволяет покинуть тело носителя
  • Secrete Chemicals - позволяет вырабатывать препараты для тела носителя.
  • Release Control - Позволяет вернуть контроль над телом обратно к носителю. Доступно только при прямом контроле
  • Reproduce - Создаёт нового борера. Доступно только при прямом контроле
  • Torment host - Не позволяет носителю вернуть контроль над телом. Доступно только при прямом контроле