Captain's Quarters

Материал из Tau Ceti Station Wiki
Версия от 20:35, 11 июля 2013; Jester002 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{room | Image= CaptainsQuarters.png | Connects= Bridge, Teleporter | Name= Captains Quarters | Location= Left Center of Station. | …»)
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Шаблон:Room This is the Captain's personal space, it's where he starts the round and where he will spend most of his time when he's not patrolling the station or fighting baddies.

This room has some of the most valuable items aboard the station and is where most traitors will try to break into. Either to steal there objective or to steal that wonderful all access ID that's just sitting there. It can be broken into from the Adjacent hallway(Bad idea)or the Maintenance tunnel below the room. Though sometimes the AI can sense you dastardly deeds, and will proceed to bolt the door in the maintenance tunnel.

The only productive things the captain can really do in here is make accouterments or call the shuttle. He could also just sit back and enjoy a coffee or cola from the vending machine if he wishes too. Or if he's really bored out of his mind he can play the arcade game and dress him self up as undesirables.