Janitorial Supplies

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This page is dedicated to all those wonderful items that help in the never-ending battle to clean the station. The Janitor's tools all start in his closet, which is located on the starboard side of the Main Deck, on the aft side of the Chapel. The Janitor's Closet is a small roon with a table, a janitorial wardrobe, a water tank, and the tools listed below. These tools cannot be found elsewhere on the station, but you can order them through the supply shuttle. Special attention should be payed to the Wet Floor Signs. You should place them in areas you are about to mob and leave them there till the floor drys. If you don't, people will yell at you.

Ведро (Bucket)

Bucket.pngВедро находится в кладовой уборщика. Служит для наполнения водой другие емкости, например ведро для швабры.

Ведро для швабры (Mop Bucket)

Mop Bucket.png The Janitor's Mop Bucket, one of his most essential pieces of equipment. Fill this with water from the Bucket so you can wet your Mop in it, and clean floors.

Швабра (Mop)

Mop.png The Janitor's mop, located in the Custodial_Closet. It is used for mopping floors. It needs to be wetted with the Mop Bucket first.

Космический очиститель (Space Cleaner)

Файл:Spacecleaner.png Используется уборщиком для очистки крови, грязи или человеческих останков. Не скользкий в отличии от воды.

Знак "Мокрый пол" (Wet Floor Sign)

WetFloorSign.png The Janitor's Wet Floor Sign. Not essential to mopping, but essential for your well being. Should be placed in areas you are about to mop, so people have a chance to not slip and fall down.

Очистительная граната (Cleaner Grenade)

Grenade full.png Очистительная граната уборщика. Идеальна для очистки больших территорий от грязи, при взрыве выплескивает чистящую пену. Не рекомендуется использовать при больших скоплениях людей во избежании паники.