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В данный момент ей занимается ‎Dred1792.

Революция (также известна как "Рева"), это игровой режим, про восстание экипажа. Начинается он с 3-4х глав революции, чья цель, вербовка в свою "партию", с последующим убийством глав станции.

Во имя революции!

В течении раунда с этим режимом, главы революции (имеют синию "R" над головой), должны набирать рекрутов, для осуществления своей задачи, то есть, для убийства всех глав на станции. Если все главы станции умирают, то побеждает революция, если же погибают первоначальные члены революции (главы революции), то побеждает станция.


Революция, как режим, подразделяется ещё на два режима:

  1. Революция.
  2. РП-Революция.

В первом случае, главам революции выдаётся вспышка, которой и осуществляется вербовка в революцию. Но это не значит, что вы должны бегать, и вербовать всех подряд, ибо это просто мудачество и карается баном.

Во втором случае, главы революции, вспышки не получают и вербовка проводится путём увилистых от прямой сути диалогов. Если вы спросите кого то напрямую, мол, "Хочешь в революцию?", то вы рискуете быть схваченными в случае отказа.

И помните, персонал станции убивать нельзя, исключая глав и службу безопасности.

Советы и хитрости

Heads of Staff

Your lives are on the line, here. If at any time you get reports of people randomly flashing, it's a safe bet this is a rev round. This does not mean "Hide in a closet and hope like hell they don't find me", and it definitely doesn't mean "Let the AI sort it out" or "Just space everyone; we'll find them eventually". Finding revs isn't that hard, and should be fairly simple, assuming the Rev Heads don't have 20 or so followers by this point. Always remember that knocking a revolutionary out with an object upside the head has a 50% chance to convert them back to normal, showing you a message such as "Robert Robust looks as if they've remembered their true allegiance" or something to that effect. Naturally, this does not mean "Hey, let's just whack everyone upside the head in the event that they're a Rev". If you suspect them of being one, then this is usually a bad course of action; just brig them for a while and hope like hell you're wrong. If you actually see someone doing something scummy, you should probably assume they're either a Rev, a Rev Head, or an ass, so smack away! If you get them knocked out a few times and they don't turn, take them to Medical to get them healed and apologize, while noting them in your notes or the security records. If they fuck up again, space them or beat the shit out of them; they're probably a Rev Head! Remember that turtling (boxing up in an area and making yourself an almost impossible target) is in fairly poor form, though it can be acceptable in some instances.

Персонал станции

Как член персонала станции, к революции вы должны относиться так же, как и к предателям, то есть, если вы увидите, что кто то, кого то пытается убить, то вы должны попытаться ему помешать (в рамках РП конечно) или вызвать службу безопасности. В другом случае, пытайтесь вести себя как обычно, если вас завербовали.

Head Revolutionaries

You have a hard job ahead of you. If you're an Engineer, this job is made so much easier, especially if the Chief Engineer is dumb enough to help you set up the engines. Just pop him upside the head with something, keep him knocked out while you set up the engine, and let the singularity do the rest. For everyone else, being a rev head can be rather frustrating. You are at least given some traitor item choices, which should help a great deal. Your first course of action should be to start flashing people. Do not randomly flash them; convince them through RP to join you and then flash them to make them official. If you do not follow this policy, you will be antag-banned or worse. Be a bit covert about it, but you still want results. If you see some asshole walking around with sunglasses or a welding mask on, you won't be able to turn them; the same applies to members of Security. If you get spotted, run like hell! As a rev head, your primary turning targets are Robotics, Genetics, Scientists, and the Quartermasters; Robotics has delicious replacement flashes, Geneticist can give you super powers and pretty much lock down the cloner, Scientists make explosives, and Quartermasters serves as a great base of operations (not to mention that they can order you more flashes and other nifty toys if you Emag their supply computer). Your number one concern, at least until things get moving, is to STAY LOW. Keep your identity a secret if possible, and only associate with non-revs if need be (or to flash them). Genetics is very helpful here, if you've already killed a station head. The geneticists can save the heads UI's and inject you with them, making you look exactly like that guy you just killed. Have fun with that! Do not enter a locker, it counts as abandoning the station.

Converted Revolutionaries

If you did not join the revolution willingly and were just flashed for no reason, or if you were disillusioned from the revolution (aka don't want to be rev anymore ICly), ADMINHELP IT. If you did agree to it, then your new job is to find a way to kill those jerk-ass heads of staff without getting caught. Remember that, as a converted rev, if you can manage to kill even one head, you've done your job. Also remember that your game isn't necessarily over if you get caught; most security members (that don't suck at their job, mind you) will try to convert you or just simply brig you.


  • Помните детишки, пренебрегая обязанностями главы революции, вы портите раунд.
  • Клонированные революционеры, с красной "R", становятся главами ревы, то есть с синей "R".
  • Обращение глав станции в революцию, бессмысленно, так как их всё равно надо убить.
  • Перезаход в игру (по каким либо причинам), может стать причиной того, что вы не будите видеть своих напарников революционеров.
  • Вы можете быть главой революции, будучи главой на станции.