Участник:Richard Jones

Материал из Tau Ceti Station Wiki
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Welcome, foreigners

This is russian-speaking space station called "Exodus", and you can join our party! Here is a small guide and tips about playing as a foreign player. If you heard something bad about the Russians - it may be true, but most of the players here are friendly and kind. Some of them may speak english as well.

Nanotrasen logo.png


It's necessary to know the rules of our community, they are quite simple and designed to make everyone comfortable to play. Don't be scared to ask admins and other players(LOOC if its necessarily) about the rules, most of them are speaking english.

  • Don't be a dickGavel.png

"Well, that's easy!" - you say. But often players simply don't see that they are spoiling someone's game. If your actions are constantly irritating by other community members - most likely, you are doing something wrong.

  • Communicate correctly

Don't use memes and slang IC. Too much swearing is also a very bad tone. And for goodness' sake, don't abuse other players. Things you can't do while talking here:

    • Flood, spam.
    • Discussions on political topics.
    • Dissemination of personal information about other members of the community without their consent to this.
    • Advertising, especially commercial, except for advertising your own servers.
    • Pornographic materials or links to them.
  • Roleplay(!!!)
    • Play realistic and natural characters in accordance with the game's lore (including in accordance with the profession, race, game mode). Do not play as a crazy person unless you have received brain damage. Really. Don't be crazy, lad.
      • Use realistic names.
        • It is forbidden to use the names of famous people, famous characters from films, books, other art works.
        • It is forbidden to use a combination of the name and appearance of other people's characters without the consent of their owner.
    • Metagame, with the exception of some cases, is prohibited. (Some cases - when knowledge that is not in the character's profession can generally have a positive effect on the game. Especially if the character can justify his knowledge and properly play the situation.)
    • DON'T grief(Ruin other player's game without a reason), don't spoil the fun of the game and don't create problems for yourself.
    • Powergame is bad
    • No OOC in IC or IC in OOC
    • No Erotic Roleplay
  • Don't Coop.
  • Streaming of rounds is prohibited due to the high threat of metagame and other violations of server rules. In case of prior agreement with the administration, there may be exceptions.
  • Server rules apply throughout the game process, even after the end of the round.

How to survive

"So, i read the rules, how do i play, if everyone's talking Russian?"

  • First - you should create a character. Beware, we got temporary restrictions on all of the professions, except for the assistant.(And all races, except human)

Don't worry, i can help you!