Gamemodes: различия между версиями
(нет различий)
Версия 09:21, 17 февраля 2013
Game Mode (Режим игры) определяет какие события и происшествия будут происходить во время раунда и какие цели будут у игроков. Режим игры может быть изменен администрацией или в ходе голосования. Некоторые случайные события также могут случиться во время раунда.
Этот режим выбирает игровой режим случайно, и не сообщает игрокам, какой режим игры был выбран.
Большая вероятность, что режим будет: Extend-A-Traitormongous или Traitor. Малая вероятность что: Cult, Revolution, Blob и Virus Epidemic.
Кроме того, случайные события могут произойти во время игры. Это может быть: AI Malfunction (Сбой ИИ), Meteor (Метеоры), Virus Epidemic (Вирусная Эпидемия), Power Failures (Сбой Электричества) и Космические бури.
Enemy Transmission Intercept - Security level elevated.
В этом режиме один член экипажа является предателем и агентом корпорации «Синдикат» им выданы специальные ПДА и необходимые инструменты для выполнения миссии. Игра заканчивается после того как только экипаж покинет станцию на Эвакуационном шаттле.
У предателей как правила имеются следующие цели:
- Убить определённого члена экипажа.
- Защитить определённого члена экипажа.
- Украсть какие-нибудь вещи.
- Улететь на шаттле, при этом нужно быть не в наручниках.
Если предатели выполнили свои задачи и улетели на шаттле, то они выигрывают. Предатели могут объединяться и работать отдельно. Но главное для них добиться успеха. Они имеют доступ к специальному снаряжению. Кроме того находясь в тюремной зоне шаттла (Красная зона) победа не учитывается.
Так же известен как AutoTraitor или Mongoose. Как Traitor, но новые предатели могут появиться после выполнения задачи предыдущий предателей, так и после провала, или по определенному количеству времени (Таймера)
Nuclear Emergency
Команда оперативников корпорации «Синдикат» в количестве от двух до пяти человек были отправлены на станцию что бы полностью уничтожить её ядерной бомбой. Так же оперативникам нужно достать диск для активации бомбы. Они имеют доступ к снаряжению, с помощью которого они должны добиться успеха. А так же снаряжения для поиска диска.
- Уничтожьте или перепрограммируйте ИИ станции. Ведь ИИ может проследить ваше передвижение и доложить членам станции.
- Генетические модификации могут помешать вам в достижении ваших целей. Лишите их этого преимущества.
- Не допустить эвакуацию на шаттле. Это технический проигрыш.
- Всегда имейте связь со своей командой, обменивайтесь информацией, согласовайте действия. Это может облегчить задание.
Условия Завершения Раунда:
- Если экипаж станции улетает со станции с диском, то ваша команда проигрывает.
- Если они улетают без диска, тогда ничья.
- Если бомба успешно детонирует, то синдикат выигрывает.
- Если бомба успешно взорвалась, но оперативники не смогли выжить. То никто не выигрывает.
- Если бомба взрывается вне станции. То никто не выигрывает.
Некоторые члены экипажи станции не выдерживали власть Глав станции и подняли революцию. Лидеры Революции (Обычно их не более трёх) начинают со флешом и доступом к предметам Синдиката. Когда Лидер ослепляет кого-нибудь флешкой, то они присоединяются к революции и получают метку R возле своего персонажа. (Если только это не член СБ, Глава Станции или Детектив) Так же некоторых могут спасти солнечные очки или сварочные маски. В этом режиме нельзя вызвать шаттл, так как станцию изолируют, из-за массовых волнений.
Условия Завершения Раунда:
- Если члены революции погибают полностью, то побеждает экипаж станции.
- Если Главы станции умирают. То побеждает Революция! (Начальник персонала не должен быть убит, если он присоединился после начала раунда.)
Есть баг, при котором лидерам революции не выдается флешка или она не работает. Если у вас такое, то пишите в adminhelp наш дружный администратор поможет вам.
Злосчастный культ проник на станцию. И он хочет распространить своё влияние и вызвать Тёмного. Очень похоже на революцию, но есть исключение:
- У культа нету лидеров, все в культе равны, но каждый сектант индивидуален и знает одну руну и у него есть 3 талисмана.
- В начале игры культисты не знают много слов для создания рун, и они должны находить с помощью экспериментов и жертвоприношений. Значит, у экипажа станции есть время, перед тем как культ начнёт расти.
- Капеллан, может использовать свою Библию, что бы выявить скрытые руны и диаграммы культистов. Библию нужно использовать на пол.
- Культис должен добыть руны своей кровью, используя Арканный том.
- Rather than a syndicate uplink, cultists draw on pieces of paper using their own blood (and taking some brute damage) to gain cult items and powers. Most of the time they have to resort to the drawn runes, though.
- Drawn runes do a number of effects covered in cult magic.
- Everyone and anyone can become, or start as, cultists. This include Security, Heads of Staff, and those with loyalty implants.
- The shuttle is possible to call and will end the round. Having a number of cultists escape on it is one of the possible objectives.
Файл:Wizhat.PNG Wizard
A space wizard has infiltrated the station! Wielding an arsenal of powerful spells that can defy physics and even time and space itself, he will stop at nothing to advance the Space Wizard Federation's agenda (which is remarkably similar to the Syndicate's). The wizard's goals are mainly to steal or destroy something on the station and escape on the shuttle.
Game Ending Conditions:
- If the Wizard and all apprentices die, the crew wins.
- If the shuttle leaves without the Wizard completing his objectives, no-one wins.
- If the Wizard completes his objectives and leaves on the shuttle, the Wizard wins.
AI Malfunction
Something has caused the AI to malfunction, making it ignore it's laws and gain free will. The crew must race to defeat the mechanical overlord before it hacks all the station's systems. Until then, all the AI has to do is survive.
As the AI: Hack APCs under your control, then set off the system take over for the whole station. The more APCs you hack, the less time the crew will have to retaliate against you, and more control you have exclusively over the ship systems (but if a camera gets disabled in that area, you cannot control that APC's power functions anymore).
You get a few special AI powers you can buy from a list in your AI command list called AI modules (they are very useful to defeat several people who have gotten wise to your actions).
Malfunction modules cost CPU time, a limited resource that the malfunctioning AI starts with.
Malfunction Modules
- Core Upgrade (Costs 50 CPU): Makes your physical server fireproof. Very useful if you elect to use your firewall, but if the crew on the station build an enemy AI before you initiate the fireproofing procedure, he too will enjoy the upgrade.
- AI Turret upgrade (Costs 50 CPU): Adds 30 hit points to every turret, and increases their rate of fire. Very useful if you expect invaders.
- Disable RCDs (Costs 50 CPU): This breaks all RCDs in the game, including the ones your engineering cyborgs have. Make sure you prevent the crew from making more RCDs after you use this module.
- Machine overload (Costs 15 CPU): This gives you two uses of the Overload Machine command each time you select it. Overloaded machines explode in a 3 tile radius, and can kill unlucky targets. A target directly over the explosion can be gibbed by it. The explosion takes a second to happen after you initiate it, and there's a loud buzzing noise that gives anything in the area a warning. If they're not very fast, or are distracted, they will likely be hit by the explosion anyway. This is your best tool for crippling the station's production capabilities. Be aware that you may need to Cancel Camera View and then go back to your chosen view to get the command to work correctly. Once you have the option, simply right-click on any machine to issue the command, or issue it from your command line and pick the target from a list.
- Blackout (Costs 15 CPU): This hack gives every APC a chance to overload its lighting circuit. The exact chance is 30% for the first use, 60% for the second, 90% for the third, and 120% (certain) for the fourth use.
- Hack intercept (Costs 15 CPU): This stops the second message from CentCom from reaching the station. It may be useful if you're planning on playing a subtle malfunctioning AI.
- Reactivate Camera (Costs 15 CPU): This fixes a broken camera in an area. That's it, but it's useful if the crew are proactive about cutting cameras.
Since most combinations of malfunction modules will leave you with a small remainder of CPU time (10 or 5) you can deficit-spend for the last module. Save a 50 CPU module for your last pick.
Game Ending Conditions:
- If the AI can survive until the round timer elapses, the AI wins.
- If the AI dies, the crew win.
A type of AI Malfunction can now occur as a random event during other gamemodes. The AI will be given a random law as a result of an ion storm, which usually counter-productive or just silly. Usually these are harmless, but some new laws can come at very inopportune moments.
One of the crew is not what he appears to be! The changeling is a monster in human form, with the ability to absorb people and take on their DNA/identity. The changeling must have a quiet spot and an immobile victim in order to absorb their body, so stealth is absolutely necessary.
The changeling has other weapons at its disposal, such as a toxin dart, but is largely stealth-based. The changeling can be anyone he's absorbed, it can switch identities instantaneously, only absorbing takes time and peace. Like the traitor, the changeling will most often have an objective to accomplish before the Escape Shuttle arrives, usually absorbing a certain amount of people before escaping.
Also See: Changeling
In Meteor, the station gets pelted with Meteors and the crew must survive and eventually escape, either by repairing the damage to the station and creating safe areas, or going every-man-for-himself style and securing their own safety by any means. During Meteor rounds, the Emergency Shuttle cannot be called until a set amount of time has elapsed, usually around ten or twenty minutes.
Everyone present and alive on the shuttle at the end is considered to have won, whereas everyone left behind or dead has lost.
The Blob is a bright green jelly that rapidly spreads across the station, destroying obstacles such as walls, windows, and crew members. At the start of the round, a single Blob will be placed somewhere random on the station and immediately begin spreading outwards from that point. It will spread more quickly if it is in contact with gases like Oxygen, and is vulnerable to fire. The AI must help the crew in fighting the blob, but it also has a key difference this round in that it must prevent anyone from leaving the station. The Quarantine law is added to the AI at the beginning of the round. The shuttle cannot be called and the AI will likely try to prevent you from obtaining EVA gear.
Game Ending Conditions:
- If the Crew manage to completely destroy the entire Blob (nothing must remain of it at all), the Crew win.
- If the Blob manages to spread to a predetermined size, the Crew lose and the station self-destructs.
Basically, a combination of changelings and traitors have infiltrated the crew. Typically a bunch of traitors with just a few changelings thrown in. Though rare, it is possible to be both a traitor and a changeling. Traitor-changelings would be given more objectives to complete, but can use both a syndicate uplink and their changeling abilities to accomplish them.
Virus Epidemic
A deadly epidemic is spreading on the station. The crew must race to find a cure as fast as possible, and keep as many people as they can alive.
There is no major event or objective to be completed in this mode. Generally picked after a bad streak of the other rounds, where everyone would rather just have some simple roleplay without the station tearing itself up over antagonists. Random events can still occur in this game mode.
Also used by admins to set up events.
Removed Modes
These modes have been removed from rotation, either because they were rubbish, or to be reworked. They can still be forced by admins however.
A strange psychic entity has invaded the crew. The crew has to find and remove it before it can complete it's objectives!
The Meme has a limited ability to control people (Hosts). It has to use it's abilities to control its Hosts and complete it's objectives. These include Traitor objectives and the objective to attune a certain amount of people.
As of now, alien is still very untested, but you may encounter a round in which aliens have been spawned by admins. Aliens don't have much of an objective: lay eggs, hug faces, keep spreading.
Only the alien queen can lay eggs, but she moves very, very slow, so the other aliens need to protect her! As a human, being alien is not a good thing, rushing to get facehugged only lets a random ghost who's already dead to come back as a xeno and you take their place as an ineffectual specter.
Like extended except you can spawn any item you want through the "Sandbox Panel" verb.
In theory this is the mode you go to to figure out how stuff works and practice various systems, such as starting the engine or building complex pipe constructs.
Usually though it will end up with everyone spawning guns and explosives, total carnage and the admins turning everyone into aliens.
Like Secret only it tells you the game mode at the beginning.
At the start of the round someone instantly dies and becomes a primate with the magical ability to turn others into monkeys by biting them. Armour does not help, the transformation is instantaneous, and almost always connected.
Since monkeys can also use almost every weapon and tool on the station, there is very little help for humanity. Humans cannot understand monkeyspeak, which shows up as "chimpers" to humans, and Monkeys cannot understand human speech, which shows up l**e ***s. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. The AI does not consider monkeys to be crew, and may kill/contain them with impunity.
Game Ending Conditions:
- If the Shuttle leaves with no living monkeys aboard, the Crew wins.
- If the Shuttle leaves with any living monkeys aboard, the Monkeys win and spread their monkeyism to Centcom.
Removed due to codebase change.