Guide to Robust Things

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Оружие ближнего боя

Оружие ближнего боя очень часто встречается на станции, наносит относительно много урона, а что самое главное, не заканчивается. Правда, лучше всего работает если жертва обездвижена.

Icon Item Damage Notes
Ims.PNG Система управления разрезами 7.5 Brute Не самое лучшее средство для нападения, но тем ни менее оно лучше, чем ничего.
Lsc.gif Лазерный скальпель 10/12/15 Burn Используя данное орудие, вы можете не только делать бескровные операции, но и совершать преступления не оставляя крови!
Stunprod.png Самодельная электрическая дубинка 10 Brute/Оглушает цель По аналогии с электрошоковой дубинкой оглушает цель, разве что заряда потребляет она на порядок больше.
Spear.png Копьё 18 В двух руках
10 В одной
Самодельное копьё, не стоит недооценивать его мощь, в умелых руках оно не уступает по своей смертоносности пожарному топору.
Pcutter.png Плазморез 15 Burn Используется шахтёрами для разработки горных пород или же маньяками для расчленения своих жертв.
Telebaton.png Телескопическая дубинка 15 Brute 2 удара ломают кости конечностей, 3 удара ломают кости тела и голову. Конструкция данного оружия, позволяет сложить его в маленькую неприметную палочку, которая может хранится у вас в кармане.
Brokenbottle.png Разбитая бутылка 9 Brute Самая обычная розочка. Чаще всего используется в барных потасовках. Получается из обычной бутылки, путем разбития оной о голову противника. Так же можно провернуть грязный трюк. Перед потасовкой можно налить в бутылку разнообразных химикатов, при ударе содержимое бутылки выплеснется на лицо недруга и нанесет дополнительные повреждения.
Butcherknife.png Тесак 15 Brute Есть в кухонном автомате, нужно только его взломать. Не стоит бегать с этим оружием у всех на виду, а тем более у охранников. Этот ножичек - излюбленное оружие поехавших маньяков и убийц, ежели вас засекут с ним - вас посадят.
Saw.png Циркулярная пила 15 Brute Второе оружие маньяков. Огорчает только малое количество. Правда, кража пилы может огорчить владельцев, но это ничего.
Файл:Cultblade.png Меч культа 30 Brute Те, кто не являются культистами, страдают от использования данного клинка...МЫСЛЕНО. Ждите толпу офицеров с дубинками, если они вас засекут с этим мечом.
Sword.gif Энергетический меч 30 Brute On
3 Brute Off
Очень хорошая штука, в выключенном состоянии спокойно помещается в кармане. При включении издает громкий звук, достаточно специфический. Исключительно оружие агентов и оперативников Синдиката, если вас поймают с ним - пожизненное меньшее, что вас ждет.
Extinguisher.png Огнетушитель 10 Brute Разложены по всей станции, так что они не в дефиците. Вряд ли вас объявят в розыск, если увидят с ним. Очень полезны если вы в космосе, пшикайте в противоположную сторону и вы полетите. Но помните, запас воды ограничен.
Fireaxe.png Пожарный топор 40 В двух руках
10 В одной
Самая сильная вещь, которую вы можете найти на Станции. Но и самая редкая. Если вы держите его двумя руками, то удар будет значительным, с полтычка сломаете укрепленное стекло и решетки. Или чью-нибудь голову.
Hatchet.png Томагавк 12 Brute Ботаники используют его, чтобы рубить дрова, но он так же хорошо рубит конечности. Легко спрятать, и если вы ботаник, офицеры не обратят внимания. Бросок в кого-то наносит 15 урона, бонусный урон можно заработать, бросая топор в убегающего противника.
Knife.png Нож 10 Brute Достаточно хорошее оружие, висит на поясе каждого хорошего повара. Используется для резки еды, но может и человеку что-нибудь отрезать.
Nullrod.png Жезл пустоты 0 Brute Палочка-выручалочка священника, излечивает ересь. Смертью. Именно этим нужно бить культистов по дурной голове, дабы они облагоразумились. Никто не знает как он действует. Священник съел инструкцию во время вечеринки в баре.
Pickaxe.png Кирка 15 Brute В основном используется для добычи руды. Довольна тяжела и громоздка. Оружие настоящих суровых дворфов.
Scalpel.png Скальпель 10 Brute Вырезает аппендицит. Или снимает скальп. Легкий и острый, оружие для скрытного убийцы.
StunBaton.gif Электрошоковая дубинка. 10 Brute/Оглушает цель Очень мощна, если вы умеете этим пользоваться. Является частым дропом с охранников.
Screwdriver random.gif Отвёртка 5 Brute

7 В глаза

Казалось бы безобидная отвертка может превратиться в оружие массового поражения. Отлично подходит для выкалывания глаз. Эти похожа на вилку. Правда, ослепленная жертва все еще может кричать.
Drill.png Хирургическая дрель 15 Brute Лежит в хирургии. Мнения о том, как её лучше использовать расходятся: одни считают что она отлично подходит для мести соседу, другие - для операций. Но в одном сомневаться не приходится, эта штука является очень хорошим оружием.
BlueToolbox.png Ящик для инструментов 5 Brute На станции их очень много, но значительно уступают остальному оружию в количестве урона. Но ведь суть робуста не в уроне, так ведь? В любом случае, про все тайны этого оружия мы вам тут не расскажем.

Огнестрел и энергетическое оружие

Подходит для уничтожения противника издали, либо для обездвиживания оного. Имеют ограниченый боезапас.

Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects Notes
Teslagun.png Тесла-пушка Не требует снарядов Для каждого выстрела требует ручная зарядка 30/45/60 Burn Одним выстрелом можно поразить сразу несколько целей, но каждой следующей цели будет наносится меньше урона
KineticAccelerator.png Кинетический ускоритель Не требует снарядов После каждого выстрела необходима ручная перезарядка 40/10 Brute При отсутствии атмосферы стреляет мощнее
Pneumatic cannon.png Пневмо-пушка OxygenTank.pngЛюбой газ для давления и Screwdriver random.gifмелкие предметы для снарядов Зависит от давления Зависит от давления Старикам на станции не место
Submachine gun.PNG Пистолет-пулемёт SMG magazine (9mm).PNG9mm 18 Rounds 25 Brute Удобный и лёгкий пистолет-пулемёт общего назначения, как правила используется силовыми группами ОБР
Colt M1911.PNG Кольт М1911 Magazine (.45 rubber).PNG.45 7 Rounds Knock Down Травматический кольт детектива, рекомендуется использовать только в крайнем случае
Stun Revolver.png Оглушающий пистолет Recharger.gif Энергия 7 Оглушает цель Высокотехнологичный револьвер, стреляющий оглушающими зарядами.
Файл:Decloner.PNG Деклонер Recharger.gif Энергия 10 (Перезаряжается со временем) Genetic mutations Данное оружие способно вызывать кардинальные изменения в цепочке ДНК, так же при попадании наблюдается незначительный всплеск уровня токсинов.
L.W.A.P. Sniper Rifle.PNG Снайперская Энерго-винтовка Recharger.gif Энергия 2 (Перезаряжается со временем) 60 Burn Малый объём заряда данной модели, с лихвой компенсируется высокой убойной мощностью и дальностью ведения огня.
Plasma pistol.PNG Плазменный пистолет Энергия 7 Bolts 20 Toxin Высоко-технологичное оружие, которое использует специальные болты, которые растворяются в жертве, выделяя токсины в кровь.
Advegun.png Улучшенный энергетический пистолет Recharger.gif Энергия 10 (Перезаряжается со временем) 40 Burn/Stuns target Используя продвинутую магию науку, мини-ядерный генератор был встроен в это оружие, для неограниченого заряда! Исследуется в РнД. Не может быть помещён в перезарядные устройства.
Antique laser.png Антикварный лазер Recharger.gif Энергия 10 (Перезаряжается со временем) 40 Burn Старенький и дорогущий лазер. Самоперезаряжается. Доставать из футляра не стоит, слишком уж он редкий. Никто даже не помнит чтоб из него стреляли.
C20r.png C20r SMG 12mmMag.png 12mm 20 Rounds 20 Brute + Knock Down Пистолет-пулемет. Используется оперативниками Синдиката.
Файл:Combatshotgun.png Боевой дробовик Файл:Shotgunshells.png 12 Gauge Shells 8 Shells Slugs - 60 Brute, Beanbag - Knock Down, Blank - Nothing, Stun - Stuns target, Dart - 5 Toxin, Buckshot Самый мощный огнестрел. Патроны можно чередовать.

Buckshot-Урон в зависимости от расстояния

Doubleshotgun.png Doubleshotgunsawnoff.png Двустволка Файл:Shotgunshells.png 12 Gauge shells 2 Shells Slugs - 60 Brute, Beanbag - Knock Down, Blank - Nothing, Stun - Stuns target, Dart - 5 Toxin Двустволка, для охоты на уток или клованов. Похуже чем обычный дробовик, но зато обрез помещается в ваш рюкзак.
Ebow.png Энергетический арбалет Энергия 6 Bolts (recharges by itself) 10 Toxin + stun Арбалет Синдиката, маленький, тихий и смертельный. Не может перезаряжаться в зарядных устройствах. Оглушает на более короткое время чем тазер.
Egun.png Энергетический пистолет Recharger.gif Энергия 10 Lasers/Electrodes 40 Burn, Stun Очень хорошее оружие, имеет два режима стрельбы - стан и лазер. Советуем чередовать их.
Ionrifle.png Ионная винтовка Recharger.gif Энергия 10 Ion Pulses 20 Brute to silicon mobs, nothing to any others, 3x3 EMP Большая и неудобная. Каждый выстрел - маленький ЭМИ.
L6machinegun.png Пулемет L6 "Пила" A762.png .762 50 Rounds 50 Brute Самое большое количество патронов, среди огнестрелов. Необходимое оружие для Рембо.
Laser Cannon.png Лазерная пушка Recharger.gif Энергия 10 Lasers 60 Burn Большой брат лазерной винтовки. Исследуется в научно-исследовательском отделе. Если вы видите это оружие в руках у врага, то лучше бегите, с вероятностью 75% вас поимеют.
Laser.png Лазерная винтовка Recharger.gif Энергия 10 Lasers 40 Burn Находится в арсенале или заказывается в грузовом отсеке. Только одно предназначение - убивать.
TR-7 revolver.PNG Револьвер Ammo 357.png .357 7 Rounds 35 Brute Револьвер Синдиката, любой станет считать вас предателем если увидит с ним.
Rapidsyringegun.png Быстрый шприцемет Syringe.png Шприцы 4 Шприца Зависит от содержимого шприца В отличии от обычного шприцемета, он вмещает до четыре шприца. Вы только подумайте, какое количество безумных комбинаций химикатов можно придумать с эти оружием.
Retrolaser.png Фазер Recharger.gif Энергия 10 Lasers 40 Burn Старенькая версия лазерного пистолета. Работает через раз. Нуждается в смазке.
SMG.png Пистолет-пулемет Ammo 9mm.png 9mm 18 Shells 25 Brute Ответ Синдикатовским ППшкам. Исследуется в РнД.
Файл:Syringegun.png Шприцемет Syringe.png Шприцы 1 Шприц Зависит от содержимого шприца Очень мощная вещь. Сам по себе шприц ничего плохого не сделает. Убьют человека химикаты в шприце.
Taser.png Шокер Recharger.gif Энергия 5 Electrodes Оглушает цель Имеется только возможность станить врагов, но и это неплохо.
Tempgun.png Температурная пушка Recharger.gif Энергия 5 Freeze Beams Нагревает/Охлаждает цель, в зависимости от выставленного режима Хороша тем, что выстрел пройдет через любую броню. Можно зажарить врагов заживо, либо заморозить до костей.


While most items in the game can be used as a makeshift weapon, actual dedicated weapons are far more effective in harming, subduing or killing a target.

Melee Weapons

Most station personal lack access to proper firearms, thus if push comes to shove most people will have to rely on the old fashion method of melee combat to deal with a attacker.

Make Shift Weapon

Almost any object on the station can be used as a makeshift melee weapon, however some are better than others.

Icon Item Damage How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes

Broken Bottle

15 Brute when breaking
9 Brute after broken
Get a bottle from the Booze-o-mat, smash it on someone. Civilian Has to be broken first, to break simply change intent to harm then smash it against someone; by aiming for the head you will also knock them down if they are not wearing protective head gear. Smashing it spills its contents over the target so you could use it as a chemist to knock out your opponent, by filling it with chloral, and then beat them to death with it. Another reason why traitor Chemist is so great. If the bottle's contents are flammable (booze bottles, for instance) you can follow up by setting your opponent on fire.

Butcher's Cleaver

15 Brute Hack the Dinnerware vending machine. Civilian: Kitchen Staff Somewhat hard to get. Security will likely have their suspicions as the only reason to have this over the normal knife is its robusting power. Works as a ghetto circular saw in surgery.

Circular Saw

15 Brute Operating Theatre Robotics and Mech Bay Autolathe Civilian: Medical/Research One of the most robust things you can find. Sadly they are rather uncommon and departments like to hang onto theirs, and security likes to take them. You can print one at the Cargo Bay's autolathe, if it has metal to make it.

Death Nettle

Up to 30 Burn.
Damage depends on potency.
Loses a random amount of damage after each hit.
Growing them at Hydroponics Civilian: Botany A red nettle that deals high damage and can paralyze. Requires gloves to wield, lasts for several hits (damage reduced with each hit) until they disintegrate (i.e. the evidence disappears). Experienced Botanists can make these. At low potency they are mostly a joke but at high potency they are as strong as energy swords.

Fire Extinguisher

10 Brute Emergency Fire closets and lockers, emergency storage rooms Civilian Found across the station so they're aren't in short supply. Unlikely to be taken by security if they search you. They are also very useful if you get spaced, spray in opposite direction of where you want to go, and you'll fly away. With a limit of 50 units, that's 10 squirts using 5 per spray.

OxygenTank/Anaesthetic tank

10 Brute Emergency lockers EVA Toxins_Lab Atmospherics Operating Theatre (for anaesthetic tanks). Civilian Found across the station so they're aren't in short supply. Air and oxygen tanks are unlikely to be taken by security if they search you. You can use it for internals while having it in your hand (though it is recommended you don't use an anaesthetic tank).

Fire Axe

5 Onehand
24 Twohand
Bridge and Atmospherics. Civilian: Atmospherics/Command Most robust thing you can get from the Station. Has to be held with two hands to be used properly. Security will likely take it and it's a large object. Best to store this on your back. They are also rare, one is in Atmos and the other is in the Bridge, good luck breaking in before it gets taken. Can be used as a crowbar (while wielded) on unpowered doors, and is strong enough to break powered ones.


12 Brute
15 thrown
Hydroponics. Civilian: Botany Botanists use these to chop wood, they also are good at chopping limbs. Easy to conceal, and if you're a Botanist, security probably won't care if you're carrying one. Throwing it at someone deals 15 damage. Bonus points for finishing off an escaping enemy this way, Navajo-style. Works as a ghetto circular saw in surgery.

Kitchen Knife

10 Brute Kitchen Autolathe. Civilian Useful if you're the Chef, as Security are unlikely to give a single shit if they see you with it. Works as a ghetto scalpel in surgery. Can be hidden in boots.

Null Rod

18 Brute (base) Chapel and on the Chaplain. Civilian: Chaplain Similar to the Circular Saw, but there's only one of them, and the Chaplain tends to keep it on him. It can destroy runes and protect against some cult magics. Can be transformed into a variety of religious weapons, with different characteristics.


15 Brute Mining Dock and Mining Station. Civilian: Supply Fairly robust, but it's very big, so it can only be stored on the back or belt slot. Miners barely use these anymore in favor of the Kinetic Accelerator, so it's mostly seen on the Gulag. Mining drills and jackhammers all do the same amount of damage as a pickaxe.

Compact Pickaxe.

10 Brute Mining Dock and Mining Station, in miner's equipment closets. Civilian Does less damage, but can fit in a backpack.

Survival Knife

15 Brute Miner's explorer backpacks, Miner's explorer boots Civilian: Supply Miners spawn with a very robust knife that can fit in their pockets or boots.


10 Brute Operating Theatre Autolathe. Civilian: Medical/Research Despite being not as good at the saw, this is still quite robust. Best part is you can have it your pocket and if you have access to this (not counting autolathe produced scalpels) security wouldn't care, unless it's covered in blood, of course. But even then they might assume you're just a bad doctor.

Glass Shard

5 Brute
10 thrown
Anywhere there's glass (read: everywhere). Civilian Extremely easy to obtain, just break a glass/reinforced glass pane or climb a glass table. Works also as a ghetto scalpel. You need gloves to hit stuff with it without cutting yourself, but you can still throw it.
Screwdriver random.gif


5 Brute Most storage rooms and Engineering. Civilian Its robustness doesn't come from the damage, but from its thin, pointed edge. Anyone not wearing glasses can have their eyes stabbed out causing them lose sight. Doesn't make them mute so they'll still scream, or might even fight back before you have a chance to blind them enough.

Surgical Drill

15 Brute Operating Theatre Autolathe. Civilian: Medical/Research Only found in Surgery. Only used for dental implants, so it'll barely be noticed if it goes missing.


10 Brute Most storage rooms and Engineering. Civilian Rather common. Althought it deals a moderate amount of damage, it's a bulky item, so you'll have to hold it.

Welding tool

3 Brute when off
15 Burn when on
Most storage rooms and Engineering. Civilian When switched on, it deals a robust amount of burn damage, but consumes fuel after every hit.

Syndicate Toolbox

15 brute
18 brute when thrown
Syndicate uplink and the Derelict. Syndicate Worth more for emergency tools than anything. Expect security to come cracking down unless they know you've taken a trip to the derelict.


10 brute in Onehand
18 brute when wielded/Twohand
20 brute when Thrown
Made by yourself Civilian A haphazardly-constructed yet still deadly weapon of ancient design. You can attach an explosive to it. If you attach one, Alt-clicking it will allow you to set a war cry when attacking with it.


13 Brute when off
21 Brute when on
Made by yourself Civilian You can surgically replace an arm with a chainsaw. Can break an airlock down.
Файл:Baseball bat.png

Baseball bat

10 Brute Made by yourself Civilian Knocks back targets on hit.

Actual Melee Weapon

Unlike makeshift melee weapons, these melee weapons are usually more reliable and robust, however most station personal can't get access to them, as well as these weapons being very noticeable.

Icon Item Damage How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes

Cult Blade

30 Brute Cult magic Cultists Those who aren't Cultists suffer from wielding this blade...MENTALLY. Aside from being very robust, it is Cult exclusive. Expect a wave of batons lasers when Security sees you holding this.

Energy Sword

3 Brute Off
30 Brute On
Through a Syndicate_Items#Syndicate_Uplink Syndicate/Nanotrasen Despite being very strong in melee combat, its activation is loud, very obvious to those around you, and a very big target for people looking for free gear. It also counts as a shield when active! Aim for the legs or arms. Use a multitool on one to turn on RAINBOW MODE (permanently). TURN IT ON BEFORE YOU USE IT

Double-bladed Energy Sword

3 Brute Off
34 Brute On
Combine two Energy Swords Syndicate/Nanotrasen Has to be held with two hands while on. Four extra damage may not seem much, but it means one less hit to crit an unarmored opponent. When wielded it gives a 100% chance to deflect energy-based shots, like tasers and lasers. Like the energy sword, its activation is very loud. To create this, you must combine two Energy Swords together of any color (hold one in each hand and click the other sword) or receive it in a Syndicate Bundle. You cannot put two holodeck swords together. Use a multitool on one to turn on RAINBOW MODE (permanently). TURN IT ON BEFORE YOU USE IT For obvious balance reasons, hulks cannot use these.

Stun Baton

10 Brute Security Office and Security Officer's backpack. Security Very robust if you know how to use it properly. Only the security force can get these easily. Deploy liberally, but stow for transport.


40 brute Possible loot from necropolis chests in Lavaland and in the ninja bundle. Mining and Traitors Real katanas are very robust, but only miners or traitors have a reasonable chance of finding them.

Telescopic Baton

10 Brute Head_of_Personnel's backpacks. Command Like the stunbaton but retractable, with a shorter stun time, but the same capability for bludgeoning. Heads of Staff start their shift with one in their backpack. Be sure to extend it before using!

Officer's Sabre

15 Brute Captain's locker. Captain A sabre intended for ceremonial uses. Comes with its own sheath. Can block melee attacks and has good armor penetration. Surprisingly sharp for a fashion accessory.

Combat Knife

20 Brute Can be ordered through Cargo. Security Very robust for its size.

Ranged Weapons

Although often hard to get, these can put you at a huge advantage. Not just from being outside melee range, but also by shooting through windows and destroying walls. Guns rely on a stock of ammo, and those are hard to get, while energy guns use recharging units or just recharge by themselves.

Sidearms (Ballistic)

Ballistic weapons remain a popular weapon in the 26th century, typically however Nanotrasen prefer the usage of Energy weapons over Ballistic weapons, so don't expect to see many ballistic weapons on station.

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes

Desert Eagle

Файл:Ammo 50.png
7 Rounds 60 Brute Summon guns, can spawn in the secure contraband locker on metastation. Nanotrasen Comes in three tasteful variants. Normal, gold and camo gold. Hope for the gold gun. 7 Rounds of pure mlg; spare ammo available nowhere.


Файл:357 speedloader.png
7 Rounds 60 Brute Syndicate Uplink and summon guns. Nanotrasen All in all the syndicate revolver, but for death squad and emergency response team officers.


Файл:357 speedloader.png
7 Rounds 60 Brute Syndicate Uplink and summon guns Syndicate Security (or generally anyone) will be quick to scream 'TRAITOR!' if they see you with one. You can get more ammo from hacked autolathes. Serve with a side of grenade to finish your foe off for good.


Файл:Ammo 38.png
6 Rounds 15 Brute + Knockdown Detective's locker or summon guns. Security Knocks down targets, causing some minor damage. Can be modified to fire .357, but may break with the modification.

Stetchkin Pistol

Ammo 9mm.png
8 rounds 30 Brute Syndicate Uplink. Syndicate The nuke op's weapon last resort; spend telecrystals on something better. Small enough to fit in pockets. One of the few guns that takes the universal silencer.
Файл:Revolver.png Russian Revolver Файл:357 speedloader.png
1 round. Can load up to 6. 60 Brute
300 Brute when used on self


Old Russia A Russian made revolver. Uses .357 ammo. It has a single slot in its chamber for a bullet. A gun to play Russian Roulette! You can spin the chamber to randomize the position of the bullet. True men aim for the head.

Sidearms (Energy)

Energy weapons are among the most common kind of weapon you'll find on a Nanotrasen space station. Reliable but has issues with ammo.

Energy Based

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes
Файл:Hybrid taser.gif


5 Electrodes Stun target Armory, taser crates and summon guns. Security If you're trying to kill someone, stun, then beat the living daylights out of them.

Energy Crossbow

Energy (Self-Charging)
Infinite Bolts (needs to cooldown after shooting) 10 Toxin + Stun Syndicate Uplink. Syndicate The syndicate's energy crossbow, small, silent and deadly. It's worth noting that the stun is shorter than the standard taser gun.

Pulse Based

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes

Pulse Pistol

5 Pulse, 10 Laser, 10 Stun 50 Burn Emergency Response Team Nanotrasen A sidearm based on the Pulse Rifle. Is capable of fitting inside pockets and other small places but has a very limited ammo capacity. Issued to all Elite Emergency Response Team personal.

Longarm (Ballistic)


Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes

C20r SMG

20 Rounds 20 Brute + Knockdown Can only be found in Nuke rounds, or with Summon guns. Syndicate It knocks the target down, similar to the detective's revolver, except chances are if you go down, you're not getting back up.

WT550 Automatic Rifle

20 Rounds 20 Brute Security and Cargo. Nanotrasen A older rifle often used by paramilitary or high security forces.


50 Rounds 60 Brute Nuke ops and summon guns only. Syndicate Holds the most ammo of any gun, 50 shots dealing 60 brute damage each, two good shots on someone and they're down.


Файл:Ammo 50.png
32 rounds 20 Brute Summon guns, Gang Wars Gangs A lightweight, fast firing gun, for when you want someone dead. Uses 9mm rounds.


Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes
Файл:Improvised shotgun.png

Improvised Shotgun

Файл:Blank shell.png
12 Gauge shells
1 Shell Depends on shell Crafted Civilian A handcrafted shotgun made of scavenged materials.

To load shells, simply use the full shell on the shotgun; when you shoot a shell, you need to eject it manually by using the shotgun in your hand before shooting another.

Doubleshotgun.png Doubleshotgunsawnoff.png

Double-Barrelled Shotgun

Файл:Blank shell.png
12 Gauge shells
2 Shells Depends on shell Bar. Civilian Easiest shotgun to get, yet the rarest. Only one starts on the station and the Bartender likes to keep it in case of bar fights. Can be sawn off with a circular saw (make sure it's not loaded). A sawn-off shotgun will fit in your backpack.

To load shells, simply use the full shell on the shotgun. Use it in hand to eject the shells.

Файл:Riot shotgun.png

Riot Shotgun

Файл:Blank shell.png
12 Gauge shells
6 Shells Depends on shell The Armoury and summon spells. Security A uncommon shotgun, typically only used in emergencies by Security or when facing someone with ranged energy protection. Is the only main shotgun on the station at round start sans the bartender's double barrel.

To load shells, simply use the full shell on the shotgun; when you shoot a shell, you need to eject it manually by using the shotgun in your hand before shooting another.


Combat Shotgun

Файл:Blank shell.png
12 Gauge Shells
8 Shells Depends on shell Ordered in Cargo and from Summon guns. Nanotrasen The highest ammo capacity of any shotgun. Best of all, you don't need to manually eject shells after shooting.


Файл:Blank shell.png
12 Gauge shells
8 Shells Depends on drum Uplink Syndicate A powerful semi-automatic, drum fed, shotgun employed by syndicate nuclear operative teams.
Файл:Short combatshotgun.png

Compact Combat Shotgun

Файл:Blank shell.png
12 Gauge shells
4 Shells Depends on shell Wardens Locker Security Unique weapon held by the Warden. A compact version of the combat shotgun with a four shell capacity. Can fit in armor slots.

Shotgun Shells

  • Файл:Buckshot shell.pngBuckshot: Shoots 6 pellets dealing 12.5 brute damage each, for a maximum of 75. Extremely lethal at close range.
  • Файл:Bean shell.png Rubber Shot: Shoots 6 pellets dealing 3 brute and 25 stamina damage each. More effective at stopping a target, but stamina damage fades with time.
  • Файл:Bean shell.png Beanbag: Shoots one single beanbag, dealing 5 brute and 80 stamina damage. The bartender uses these by default.
  • Stun Shell.png Stun Shell: Shoots an electrode that stuns on hit, much like a taser.
  • Файл:Fire shell.png Incendiary Slug: Shoots a single projectile that leaves a fire trail and ignites the target, on top of 20 brute damage.
  • Файл:Tech shell.png Shotgun Dart: A single dart that can contain up to 30 units of chemicals that'll be injected on hit.
  • Файл:Tech shell.png Technological Shells: Unloaded technological shells can be made in a Protolathe. See here for the recipes.
    • Файл:Meteor shell.png Meteorshot Shell: A single powerful projectile, deals 30 brute damage and stuns for 8 seconds. Pushes back machinery on hit.
    • Файл:Pulse shell.png Pulse Slug: Works like one of the deathsquad's pulse rifle shots, dealing 50 burn damage and damaging or destroying walls and machinery.
    • Файл:Dragon shell.png Dragonsbreath Shell: Like the incendiary slug, but shoots a spread of 4 burning pellets. Deals less direct damage.
    • Файл:Frag shell.png FRAG-12 Slug: An explosive shell that knocks down targets and causes an explosion where it hits, on top of dealing 25 brute damage.
    • Файл:Ion shell.png Ion Scatter Shell: Shoots a spread of 4 ion bolts, each of which ions a single target instead of the 3x3 area hit by normal ion rifles.
    • Файл:Laser shell.png Laser Slug: Shoots a laser similar to a normal laser gun shot, dealing 20 burn damage.

Longarm (Energy)

Laser Based

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes
Файл:Laser gun.png

Laser Gun

10 Lasers 20 Burn Armory, weapons crates and summon guns. Security No real reason to use this over the energy gun as it is lethal ONLY.
Laser Cannon.png

Laser Cannon

10 Lasers 40 Burn R&D Lab once researched first. Nanotrasen Must be researched first. This is the Laser Gun's bigger brother, fear him, he will fuck you over.
Файл:Energy Gun.gif

Energy Gun

10 Lasers, 20 Disable 20 Burn
Armory, Energy Weapons Crate or Summon guns. Security A versatile energy weapon. Best thing is to disable a target and then either handcuff (for arresting) or spam the other remaining shots at them on kill mode (for murder).

Advanced Energy Gun

10 (recharges over time) 20 Burn/Stun target R&D Lab once researched first. Nanotrasen Using advanced wizardry SCIENCE, a mini nuclear generator has been fitted into this gun to provide unlimited shots! Researched from R&D. Cannot be used in recharging units. Unreliable models may emit radiation, take caution.
Antique laser.png

Antique Laser Gun

12 (recharges over time) 20 Burn Captain's Quarters. Nanotrasen The prized weapon of the Captain, and the target of many enemy horses. Similar to the laser gun except it's recharged all by itself. They just don't make guns like they used to.
Файл:Multiphase gun stun.gif

X-01 Multiphase Energy Gun

5 Stun, 10 Laser, 20 Disable 20 Burn Head of Security. Nanotrasen The first attempt by Nanotrasen to remake the Captain's Antique Laser. Has more firing modes on offer but lacks the ability to recharge.

Ion Rifle

10 Ion Pulses 20 Brute to silicon mobs
Up to 90 damage to mechs
3x3 EMP
Armory and on the Nuclear Operative shuttle. Security Large and unwieldy, great for dealing with mechs. Cyborgs are weak to it: flashing cyborgs totally immobilizes them and it leaves you free to robust them to your heart's content.

Retro Laser

12 Lasers 20 Burn White Ship. Unknown Found on the white ship, this old beast is like the laser gun; anyone with a spaaaaaace suit and a little know-how can reach it.

Temperature Gun

40 Freeze/heat Beams Heats/Cools target dependent upon the setting. R&D Lab once researched first. Nanotrasen Another researched gun, if you can make this (more importantly, open that damn lockbox), chances are you can construct something better (read: laser cannon). Generally useless, except perhaps for killing slimes if you really don't want to get close.

X-Ray Gun

20 Lasers 15 Burn + 30 Irradiate R&D Lab once researched first. Nanotrasen This beams from this gun will pass through everything but a wall. While it does do less burn damage, the radiation it inflicts causes toxin damage and can make someone mutate. Great for shooting up crowded hallways. Kills blobs dead. Current range of the gun is 15 tiles and drops further with every obstacle passed by the beam.

Pulse Based

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes

Pulse Rifle

200 Pulse 50 Burn Deathsquad Nanotrasen The most powerful energy weapon in existence. Bruteforces energy weapon's ammo problems by having a very large power source. Its pulse setting is capable of doing massive damage to a target as well as destroying cover and walls.

Pulse Carbine

10 Pulse, 20 Laser, 10 Stun 50 Burn Emergency Response Team Nanotrasen A scaled down version of the Pulse Rifle, holds significantly less power than the Pulse Rifle but is capable of being placed inside bags. Issued to Elite Emergency Response Team Security personal.

Misc Weapons

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes
Файл:Chem sprayer.png

Chem Sprayer

Chemicals 600 units total Confusion, blindness, dizziness, knockout, and random mutations with the standard reagents. Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 10 telecrystals, only available to Nuclear Agents. Syndicate Think of it as a spray bottle. Except each spray is three tiles wide and can travel the entire screen. Generally kept away from players due to the potential of the lubepocalypse.


Файл:Plasma tank.png
Gas of your choice
Depends on tank pressure Depends on the gas Made by yourself or with a hacked Autolathe Civilian You are a firestarter! Allows for creative gas mixes if you know your atmos. An area denial tool, generally useful for making small areas uninhabitable for people, not so useful when trying to kill someone, as it's easy to run away.

Syringe Gun

1 Syringe 6 Brute + 15u chemicals Medbay Storage. Civilian In fact, this is very robust. Think of it as a ranged hypospray.

Rapid Syringe Gun

6 Syringes 6 Brute + 15u chemicals R&D Lab once researched first. Nanotrasen See the syringe gun, but take into account it holds six syringes. Can be made through researching them, and only costs metal and glass to make. This gun gives you the power to fuck over six people at once!

Admin Only Weapons

These weapons are currently restricted to admin spawn only, some may also appear in 'summon gun' events during a Wizard round however.

Icon Item Ammo Capacity Damage & Effects How to Acquire Faction Usage Notes

Silenced Pistol

Файл:Ammo 50.png
12 rounds 20 Brute + Knockdown Away missions. Admins. Admin A small, quiet, easily concealable gun. Uses .45 rounds.
Файл:Tommy gun.png

Tommy Gun

Ammo 9mm.png
50 rounds 20 Brute + Knockdown Admins Admin A genuine Chicago Typewriter.

Gyrojet Pistol

Ammo 75.png
8 Rounds 74 Brute from direct hit
24 from a tile away
explosion (-1, 0, 2)
Summon guns exclusive. Admin Delivers an explosion with every shot, plus you can afford to be less accurate with it, as the explosion hits 3x3, so it's great against groups.