High-risk items

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Эти вещи очень часто являются целью предателей и оперативников синдиката. Не допускайте попадания их в чужие руки.

Captain's Antique Laser Gun

Captain's Antique Laser Gun
Captain's Antique Laser Gun
Находится в: Captain's Quarters
Используется для: Shooting people.
This is a special, engraved gun, made with real Assistant leather (which is odd because human skin makes terrible leather).

This gun is kept in a glass case in the Captain's Quarters, but is hooked up with an anti-theft system. Breaking the case will trigger a lockdown, shutting and bolting all the doors out of the room, and the AI will be alerted. Keep this in mind, and plan your heist before you carry it out.

What makes this gun so special? It automatically regenerates energy without any draw backs. Enemy agents would kill to steal this for research. They do exactly that a lot.

Hand Teleporter

Hand Teleporter
Hand Teleporter
Находится в: Teleporter Room, Captains Office
Используется для: Teleporting About
This is a miniaturized counterpart to the larger one in the Teleporter Room. It can be found on a table in the Teleporter room. The Captain also has one in his quarters.

Using this you can create a portal to a set destination (however this must be set with a large teleporter device, either in the Teleporter room, Derelict or the Abandoned Satellite). If you find the options severely lacking, you can make new teleport beacons in Research Division OR grab one of the existing ones and move it (suggestion : move the bridge beacon somewhere safer).

Hilariously enough, there is a random setting, using it allows you to randomly jump about to a nearby location. This is not advised without an EVA suit and internals. However as an antagonist, it is a very useful tool for escape when you DO NOT have time to take down a wall OR have any tools.

Unlike large teleporter devices, the hand teleport makes two-way portals. There is a portal both at the hand teleporter's location, and the destination, meaning that it can also be used to extract people from high risk locations, as well as numerous other interesting uses.

Captain's Jetpack

Находится в: Captain's Quarters
Используется для: Propelling yourself in space, usable as oxygen supply
The Captain has a unique oxygen-filled jetpack that can fit in a backpack while containing more gas than typical jetpacks.

A Functional AI

A Functional AI
A Functional AI
Находится в: Intellicards can be found in EVA, AIs are found in the AI core.
Используется для:
An InteliCard must be used to take the AI from its chamber. InteliCards can be found on the Bridge and Tech Storage. Research and Development can also produce more, assuming they have the prerequisite research levels.

Be careful! If you are the Traitor and your objective is to steal a functional AI, remember that AIs can be traitors too, and even regular Asimov AIs will not want to be carded without reason.

Station Blueprints

Station Blueprints
Station Blueprints
Находится в: Chief Engineer's Locker
Используется для: Naming every room PRIMARY FART STORAGE
These are the plans to make every part of the station, including the gravitational singularity engine.

Using these you can rename existing areas into whatever you want, and create new areas that can have APCs and Air Alarms in them. You can also view the wire coloring scheme for Nanotrasen made devices.

28 Moles of Plasma (Full Tank)

28 Moles of Plasma (Full Tank)
28 Moles of Plasma (Full Tank)
Находится в: Atmos, Engineering, Science
Используется для: Carrying plasma.
Plasma mined by NanoTrasen is very rare to get in many places of the galaxy, and many people want it to make military grade explosives and rival plasma research.

As Plasma is being used all over the station, it may be hard, if not impossible to secure all the hand-held storage Plasma Tanks.

These tanks are obtained from a Tank Storage Unit found in Toxins research, Engineering, Atmospherics, or ordered at the Cargo Bay. They must be filled (>1000 kPa) with Plasma Gas to successfully complete the "Steal a full plasma tank" Traitor objective. From a syndicate's point of view, failing to get these is almost impossible, much less accepted.

Unused Slime Extract

Unused Slime Extract
Unused Slime Extract
Находится в: Xenobiology
Используется для: Slime magic
Slimes are new rare alien lifeforms that NanoTrasen managed to capture. Goo extracted from slimes is particularly valuable and sought after by competition. Its unusual properties have led to rumors of supernatural abilities.

Slime Extract need to be extracted from baby Slimes, typically held in Xenobiology. Once subdued, use the slime processor to extract the goo. Be warned, extract cannot be taken from adult Slimes!

Medal of Captaincy

Medal of Captaincy
Medal of Captaincy
Находится в: The Captain's jumpsuit, Captain's

Используется для: Validating your claim as captain

Nothing is more disgraceful than a Captain losing their symbol of command.

And because enemy agents love to discredit and shame NanoTrasen, the theft of station command medals are on the rise for just this reason.

There are two Medals of Captaincy on each station, Captain starts with one attached to his jumpsuit and second can be found in the medal box in his office.


Находится в: Chief Medical Officer's locker
Используется для: Injecting people with chemicals
An experimental high-end chemical injector which allows for instant injections into any organism. Given to the station's Chief Medical Officer to field test, who is usually very protective of it.

Nuclear Authentication Disk

Nuclear Authentication Disk
Nuclear Authentication Disk
Находится в: Captain's Quarters
Используется для: Blowing up the station

This disk contains the codes needed to unlock nuclear devices used in Nuclear Emergency and Blob to destroy the entire station.

If you are the Captain, for the love of all that is good in this world protect the disk with your life. Don't leave the damn thing lying in your office. Pocket it, give it to someone trusted, anything rather than leaving it open for anyone to grab. Its location can be tracked with a pinpointer, so merely hiding it won't help you.

Destroying or spacing the disk will cause it to respawn in a random pre-designated location on the station. Also, syndicates love getting their grubby little red space suited hands on this. If the object gets in their hands, call all hands on deck and say "We're fucked", as a syndicate team with the disk is a good team at that.

Ablative Armor Vest

Ablative Armor Vest
Ablative Armor Vest
Находится в: Armory, Cargo Bay
Используется для: Deflecting energy weaponry
An expensive piece of military-grade gear that is designed to withstand or deflect fire from energy weapons. The capture of one of these vests could be used to bolster Syndicate research and military efforts.

One of these is given to station security in the Armory, but more can be ordered from Cargo Bay in experimental gear crates.

Костюм главы

Костюм главы
Костюм главы
Находится в:
Используется для:
No description


Находится в:
Используется для:
Экспериментальное устройство для строительства и уничтожения стен, пола и шлюзов. Он лежит в офисе Главного инженера. Также RCD (как и "патроны" для него) может быть сделан во взломанном автолате.

Каждый агент хочет РЦД. Чтобы выбрать что строить, нажмите на него. Для работы используются заряды сжатой материи:

  • Построить пол (1 заряд)
  • Построить стену (3 заряда)
  • Построить шлюз (10 зарядов)
  • Убрать пол (3 заряда)
  • Убрать стену (5 зарядов) (Не может убирать укрепленную стену).
  • Убрать шлюз (10 зарядов)

Магнитные ботинки

Магнитные ботинки
Магнитные ботинки
Находится в:
Используется для:
No description


Находится в:
Используется для:
Ручное устройство, помещающиеся в кармане. Находится в каюте Капитана, также выдаётся агентам ядерной угрозы Имеет 3 режима работы:
  1. Поиск диска ядерной аутентификации.
  2. Поиск людей по ДНК
  3. Поиск места по координатам

Pinfar.gif Цель далеко.
Pinmedium.gif Цель на средней дистанции.
Pinclose.gif Цель близко.
Pintarget.gif Вы над целью (в тайле с целью).
Pinalert.gif Цель не найдена.
Pinnull.gif Ошибка ввода.

Мясо корги

Мясо корги
Мясо корги
Находится в:
Используется для:
Ян любимая собака ХОПа. Агентам иногда поручают убить Яна и принести в доказательство его мясо.

( Что бы получить мясо надо засунуть пса в стиральную машину.)