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Иследователь и Медецина
Доступ: Medbay, Morgue, Operating Theatre, Virology
Сложность: Средне
Начальство: Chief Medical Officer
Задачи: Infect monkeys, cure diseases, splice new viruses.
Гайды: Guide to Virology, Guide to Medicine

Congratulations doctor, you have been selected to study and treat various types of viruses, and create valuable vaccines. So grab your latex gloves, get your breath mask on, and head over to Virology


Virology can be a boring job, and most who try fail often. Just make sure the Chemist or the Chief Medical Officer are around (and attentive) or you won't be able to cure uncommon diseases in the event of an outbreak.

Curing Diseases

Primarily, this is your job. Find a batch of a virus, analyse it, and then produce a cure.

If there isn't currently an outbreak on the station, you'll have to deal with infecting and injecting monkeys.

If you're concerned about the monkeys and don't want to have a pen full of contagion conveniently sitting around, move a single monkey to one of your isolation rooms and treat/infect them there. You can also use this as an easy way to keep all your cures localized and in a single sample.

The simple guide is this:

  • Take a Virus Sample and add it to the Cure Research Machine. This won't produce a cure, but rather some infected blood.
  • Inject some into a monkey to infect it.
  • Inject the monkey with radium to start antibody production.
  • Wait for a minute or two. This part is the most important, if you take blood too early, no antibodies will be produced.
  • Take some blood from the monkey and add it to the cure machine. If there are some antibodies displayed (usually a string of letters) you found the cure!
  • Produce some antibodies and cure the monkey.

If there happens to be an outbreak on the station you'll need a few extra steps.

  • Find someone with the virus (shouldn't be too difficult as people like to complain.)
  • Extract some blood and then put it in the Pathogenic Isolator.
  • This will produce a Virus Sample.
  • Follow the above steps.

If it works, congratulations. You've found a cure. Make sure to inject all infected and anyone else to vaccinate them. More information can be found here.

Your pathogenic isolator can check whether a person's blood is infected, so it might be worth checking to see if your cure has worked. Viruses appear on the Health Analyzer as an Unknown Substance. This can mean other things though, so use the Pathogenic Isolator to check.

Manufacturing Viruses

The other part of your job is researching biological warfare. See more about splicing and radiating viruses in the Guide to Virology.

Accidents Happen

If you accidentally infect some one with a certain type of infectious virus, well, there is not much you can do except quarantine, treat, and ensure they aren't infectious before releasing them. Make sure only people that know exactly what they're doing can enter your room. Warn people beforehand that you're conducting experiments and remember to vaccinate yourself once you research a disease.


Being a traitor is where a dangerous job like this one really shines. Make sure you get the Heads of Staff to crack a virus crate open for you, or use a traitor item on it to pop it open yourself. Brain Rot is quite an effective way to disable the crew.

Releasing a pandemic is also a good way to cause chaos, creating a convenient cover for illicit activities. As an added bonus, curing the disease and eradicating it from the station is a good way to get in the good graces of the crew, further protecting you from any suspicion. As always, protecting yourself from the disease is most important. Releasing diseases when not a traitor is a great way to be banned!



Командование Капитан - Глава Персонала - Глава Охраны - Главный Инженер - Руководитель Исследований - Главный Врач
Представители НаноТрейзен Агент Внутренних Дел - Офицер Blueshield
Охрана Офицер Охраны - Надзиратель - Детектив - Криминалист
Инженерия Инженер - Атмосферный Техник
Наука Ученый - Робототехник - Генетик - Ксеноархеолог - Ксенобиолог
Медицина Доктор - Парамедик - Химик - Генетик - Вирусолог - Психиатр
Обслуживание Уборщик - Бармен - Повар - Ботаник - Парикмахер
Снабжение Квартирмейстер - Грузчик - Шахтер - Мусорщик
Гражданские Ассистент - Клоун - Мим - Капеллан - Библиотекарь
Не люди ИИ - Киборг - Дрон - пИИ - Голем - Призрак - Мышка - Слизень - Халк - Борер
Антагонисты Ядерный Агент - Генокрад - Ксеноморф - Маг - Предатель - Неисправный ИИ - Культист - Космический Ниндзя - Вокс Налетчик - Шедоулинг - Абдуктор
Особые Отряд Быстрого Реагирования - Эскадрон Смерти - Ударный Отряд Синдиката - Ян