Captain: различия между версиями

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Версия 21:34, 8 января 2013

Доступ: All
Сложность: Very Hard
Начальство: Space Law, CentCom, and NanoTrasen Officials
Задачи: Ensure the station remains "afloat". Keep the crew alive, delegate effectively, and keep the research going.
Гайды: Space Law, Standard Operating Procedure

As the Captain, you're in charge of the station and everyone on it. Make sure the crew is working and productive and any potential threats are seen to.

Становись капитаном - Основы

Добро пожаловать на борт, Капитан! Вы прошли долгий и сложный путь, вы показали что ваших навыков и ответственности достаточно, что бы возглавить станцию. Это очень важная и ответственная роль. В ваши обязанности входит контроль станции, контроль подразделений на станции, соблюдение уставов и протоколов. Основная задача капитана - проследить чтобы работа для НаноТрансен была выполнена, независимо от того какая задача стоит. Инспектируйте отделы. Созывайте совещания глав. Раздавайте задачи. Управляйте станцией. Если на станции возникла необходимость провести суд, вы или глава персонала должны занять место судьи. И запомните - вы не тот кто должен бросаться сломя голову, чтобы решить проблемы. Для этого есть ваши подчиненные - используйте цепи командования.

The Syndicate Threat

NanoTrasen vessels are often under threat from various criminal organisations. As Captain, is it your job to manage these threats and make sure that they do not interfere with normal activity aboard the station.

Most of the time, your on-board Security forces should be sufficient to deal with the threat. Therefore, you are not expected to have to deal with such matters by yourself, save for when you have not been supplied one, or you feel they are incompetent.

Controlling the Crew

As Captain, you are in charge. There really is no way to tell you exactly how to run things, many people have different leadership styles. However, as Captain, there are some things you should be aware of:

  1. Only involve yourself when there is nobody else available to do the job. If you get involved in every security matter when there's already a Head of Security, it is suggested you get a job change. If there isn't a head for a specific department, get your Head of Personnel to assign a new one. The only exception to this rule is when your Head of Personnel is "absent" as you are the only other Head who can assign people.
  2. Delegate whenever you can. If someone says 'Captain, there's a plasma leak!' then you order your Chief Engineer to go fix it. Do NOT attempt to fix it yourself. You will put yourself unnecessarily at risk.
  3. Follow the Chain of Command. You command the Heads. The Heads command their departments. Try not to skip them in the decision making process. They are the ones who should know their own departments best.
  4. Stay alert. You have a big target on your back. It is likely you'll be a prime Traitor target just for your all-access ID. With this in mind, you may want to spend a fair bit of time lounging in the security of the Bridge. Just make sure you can justify it IC.
  5. Keep calm and carry on. As Captain, be prepared to deal with any or all of the following: Incompetent or absent Heads, Traitors and angry crew members banging down the bridge door trying to get in, corrupted AI's on a war path, killer meteor strikes, plagues, faulty electrical gear and the occasional aftermath of a armageddon against the ship, thanks to a range of the above. And it's your job to manage it all. Good luck.


You are at the top, and the top can be lonely. The only person with potential to mess things up more than you is the AI. So watch your step, your back and your crew, or you may just find yourself wondering how you've ended up floating in space.


Как Traitor капитану будет наиболее легко на всей станции. У вас возможно будет задание даже украсть собственные вещи, а если и нет, то все равно у вас есть доступ куда угодно. Просто выполняйте свои задания и это принесет свой PROFIT (с минимальными потерями, конечно).

Roleplaying Tips

  • In terms of roleplaying, you have a lot of freedom. You should really have some basic knowledge of how each department runs, and who the heads of them are, but outside that you could really have as much (or as little) knowledge as you want. You can play with a background in a certain field, but you should NOT be able to do everything (i.e. Being able to setup the Engine single-handedly AND also knowing how to clone people AND knowing how to make bombs is probably going too far). Just remember though, a very incompetent Captain doesn't make too many friends.
  • Leave Security matters to security, you don't (and shouldn't) need to step in on every criminal situation. You are above the Head of Security in terms of command, but you should defer security matters to him. Only step in if you think that a decision could endanger the station or crew.
  • Don't think that just because you're the Captain, that you can do anything you want. That's the absolute worst thing to do. You're there to make sure everyone else is doing their job, not to do it for them.


Командование Капитан - Глава Персонала - Глава Охраны - Главный Инженер - Руководитель Исследований - Главный Врач
Представители НаноТрейзен Агент Внутренних Дел - Офицер Blueshield
Охрана Офицер Охраны - Надзиратель - Детектив - Криминалист
Инженерия Инженер - Атмосферный Техник
Наука Ученый - Робототехник - Генетик - Ксеноархеолог - Ксенобиолог
Медицина Доктор - Парамедик - Химик - Генетик - Вирусолог - Психиатр
Обслуживание Уборщик - Бармен - Повар - Ботаник - Парикмахер
Снабжение Квартирмейстер - Грузчик - Шахтер - Мусорщик
Гражданские Ассистент - Клоун - Мим - Капеллан - Библиотекарь
Не люди ИИ - Киборг - Дрон - пИИ - Голем - Призрак - Мышка - Слизень - Халк - Борер
Антагонисты Ядерный Агент - Генокрад - Ксеноморф - Маг - Предатель - Неисправный ИИ - Культист - Космический Ниндзя - Вокс Налетчик - Шедоулинг - Абдуктор
Особые Отряд Быстрого Реагирования - Эскадрон Смерти - Ударный Отряд Синдиката - Ян