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Слуга тьмы
Тень или Голем Shade.png
Тень или Голем
Доступ: Нет доступа
Сложность: Средняя
Начальство: Твой хозяин.
Задачи: Следовать командам твоего хозяина и защищать его.
Гайды: Гайдов нет.

Могут быть вызваны магом или прислужниками культа для защиты и нападения.


Shades and constructs are slaved to their masters will. Shade and constructs have to follow the orders of their master at any cost. They are capable of grasping intent, unlike synthetic beings. Shades as well as any constructs are EVA capable and can manouver in space without outside aid. Should a shade or construct die, it leaves behind ectoplasma which can be used to make ghost-burgers. Constructs aiding cultists often have problems figuring out who to attack and who to defend, due to their inability to identify cultists.

Some constructs have special abilities, wich can be used similar to mime-, changeling- and wizard-abilities via the tabs on the right side of the SS13 interface. All constructs are immune to being stunned, but similarly their attacks have no stun chance like regular attacks.

Камень душ

Soulstones are used to house souls. They can be used to release said souls, into the form of a shade. Soul stones can only be used on dead or critical (below 0% HP) humans. When you do so it captures their soul into a shard. They will then become a 'Shade of X' where X was their name when alive, and they will exist in the shard.

Clicking on the Soulstone.gif stone will then allow you to summon the shade, or it can be inserted into a construct-shell to be made into one of the various kinds of constructs.


Shades are red ghosts, and are solid in the same way humans are. When released, the receive the message:

You have been released from your prison, but you are still bound to Y's will. Help them succeed in their goals at all costs. Where Y is the person who captured their soul.

Shades are fairly limited in what they can do. They cannot interact with objects, and when clicking on a human or other mob, will attack them for 7 brute damage.

Shades are fragile, but being recaptured into their soulstone heals them.


Artificer более слабый чем тень. Но только он может создавать новые камни душ и оболочки, а так же обустраивать станцию в стиле культа.


The wraith is a tiny bit more fragile than a human, but has a strong melee attack. It can, similar to a wizards ethernal jaunt, become invisible and travel through closed doors and even walls by using it's phase shift ability.


Juggernauts are strong, slow and have lots of health. They can destroy any wall by simply punching it and do more damage than Wraiths. They cannot be pushed or grabbed and even have a force-wall ability similar to the wizard spell. Additionally, Juggernauts are immune to any weapon of force 10 or below, such as fire extinguishers, harm batons, and large air tanks.



Командование Капитан - Глава Персонала - Глава Охраны - Главный Инженер - Руководитель Исследований - Главный Врач
Представители НаноТрейзен Агент Внутренних Дел - Офицер Blueshield
Охрана Офицер Охраны - Надзиратель - Детектив - Криминалист
Инженерия Инженер - Атмосферный Техник
Наука Ученый - Робототехник - Генетик - Ксеноархеолог - Ксенобиолог
Медицина Доктор - Парамедик - Химик - Генетик - Вирусолог - Психиатр
Обслуживание Уборщик - Бармен - Повар - Ботаник - Парикмахер
Снабжение Квартирмейстер - Грузчик - Шахтер - Мусорщик
Гражданские Ассистент - Клоун - Мим - Капеллан - Библиотекарь
Не люди ИИ - Киборг - Дрон - пИИ - Голем - Призрак - Мышка - Слизень - Халк - Борер
Антагонисты Ядерный Агент - Генокрад - Ксеноморф - Маг - Предатель - Неисправный ИИ - Культист - Космический Ниндзя - Вокс Налетчик - Шедоулинг - Абдуктор
Особые Отряд Быстрого Реагирования - Эскадрон Смерти - Ударный Отряд Синдиката - Ян