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Доступ: Wherever you can teleport to
Сложность: HARD
Начальство: Space Wizard Federation
Задачи: Magic the place up.
Гайды: No external guides.

Wizards a unique individuals who have access to powers that defy scientific principles. Most are part of the Space Wizard Federation, who have their own interests in NanoTrasen's resources. They are often given objectives to take valuable items or kill certain personnel.

Wizard Clothes

The Wizard's Hood, Robes, and Sandals act as magical amplifiers and boost the wizards skills. Certain spells can only be performed with them equipped, and they reduce the cool downs of the ones that don't. If you lose these, it can make it a lot harder.

Robed Spells:

These spells require the Wizard's clothes.

The number after the spell name is the cooldown time.

Magic Missile - FORTI GY AMA (10)

This spell summons little magical orbs that deal light damage, and stun all within sight. While slow, the orbs track their targets, making there can be no escape.

Disable Technology - NEC CANTIO (6)

Disables all technology within range of the spell. Be wary, those who wear optical sensors.

Disintegrate - EI NATH

A wizard trained in this spell should be met with extreme caution, for a single touch of his hands and a yell of "EI NATH!" will, under any circumstances, result in immediate termination. This is not currently available.

Blink (2)

A lesser form of teleportation. The wizard has no ability to control it, and it will usually send him a good distance.

Teleport - SCYAR NILA (60)

Scyar Nila teleports a space wizard to any location he pleases, as long as it's within range. (One Z-Level)

Mutate - BIRUZ BENNAR (60)

This spell causes you to turn into a hulk and gain laser vision for a short while.

Etheral Jaunt (60)

After casting this spell the wizard dissolves into thin air, becoming invisible to both eye and thermal sensors, as well as being able to pass through any obstacle. This spell lasts for several seconds.

Summon Guns

This spell is unique in that it can be used only once. Summons a random weapon at everyone's feet and releases the inhibitions of several crew members, triggering several murderous rampages.

Robeless Spells:

There are many other spells that do not require wizard robes. These spells are weaker, but nothing to laugh at, they are as follows:

Fireball (20)

This spell summons a destructive fireball. It explodes on contact with a single target, blinding and deafening the individual, and anyone around him. As it is explosive, it will damage your station as well.

Smoke (10)

Spawns a cloud of choking smoke at your location. It'll grant him immediate cover in the darkness.

Blind - STI KALY (30)

This verbal spell blinds an individual.

Forcewall - TARCOL MINTI ZHERI (10)

This spell creates an unbreakable wall that lasts for 30 seconds.


It opens any doors within range, no matter what type.

Mind Swap - GIN'YU CAPAN (60)

This is the name of an incantation in layman's terms, the true incantation is only heard by few, and only few survive after the spell's words are uttered. It swaps the minds of the wizard and victim, and is used if the wizard is being beaten in a physical battle.


Artefacts are powerful items imbued with eldritch magics. Summoning one will count towards your maximum number of spells. It is recommended that only experienced wizards attempt to wield such artefacts.

These are not spells but tools that can be used by anyone. Extremely dangerous to a wizard should one of you pick it up.

Render.pngVeil Render

Will cause a tear into the fabric of reality itself and summon the dark god Nar-Sie as a simple pawn. Consider yourself fortunate it can only be used once.

Staff change.pngStaff of Change

Allows the wizard to randomly change anyone and anything into an alien, metroid, lizardman, metroidman, cyborg, monkey or human. Although it has limited uses, it recharges it's magic over time.

Soulstone.pngSix Soul Stone Shards

A belt filled with several soul stone shards that can can be used to trap and enslave the spirits of your friends!

In-character knowledge

Knowledge of the Wizard Federation is very limited when in character. The only jobs with any information at all are the heads that read the initial report, and it's entirely possible they won't believe it. For everyone else, the Wizard is just a guy in blue robes.



Командование Капитан - Глава Персонала - Глава Охраны - Главный Инженер - Руководитель Исследований - Главный Врач
Представители НаноТрейзен Агент Внутренних Дел - Офицер Blueshield
Охрана Офицер Охраны - Надзиратель - Детектив - Криминалист
Инженерия Инженер - Атмосферный Техник
Наука Ученый - Робототехник - Генетик - Ксеноархеолог - Ксенобиолог
Медицина Доктор - Парамедик - Химик - Генетик - Вирусолог - Психиатр
Обслуживание Уборщик - Бармен - Повар - Ботаник - Парикмахер
Снабжение Квартирмейстер - Грузчик - Шахтер - Мусорщик
Гражданские Ассистент - Клоун - Мим - Капеллан - Библиотекарь
Не люди ИИ - Киборг - Дрон - пИИ - Голем - Призрак - Мышка - Слизень - Халк - Борер
Антагонисты Ядерный Агент - Генокрад - Ксеноморф - Маг - Предатель - Неисправный ИИ - Культист - Космический Ниндзя - Вокс Налетчик - Шедоулинг - Абдуктор
Особые Отряд Быстрого Реагирования - Эскадрон Смерти - Ударный Отряд Синдиката - Ян