Обсуждение участника:Multiak: различия между версиями

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Версия 12:12, 12 марта 2013

Грузчик (разработка)

Cargo Technician
Cargo Technician
Доступ: Cargo Bay, Delivery Office, Maintenance
Сложность: Easy
Начальство: Head of Personnel then Quartermaster
Задачи: Distribute crates to the departments that ordered them, collect empty crates, load and unload the supply shuttle.
Гайды: No external guides.

You basically unload the crates, load the crates, make things in autolathe and mess with the MULE and mail system.

Your workplace

The Cargo bay is your home as a Cargo Technician and, naturally, where you start the game. It contains a Hand Labeler, a Cell Charger and Power Cell set, a Station Bounced Radio, some Rods, a Multitool, a Med-kit, some empty Crates, a MULE, a Copy Machine, and an Autolathe.

Your Boss

The Head of Personnel is your superior, as is the Quartermaster. Do what they order you to do, with the Head of Personnel being the top priority.

Disposals Mailing

This is an alternative way of delivering items, and is usually preferable to MULE transport as long as the pipes are still intact.

  1. Wrap your item/crate with package wrapper.
  2. Pick up the destination tagger and click in your hand to set a destination.
  3. Use the destination tagger on the parcel.
    • Optional: Use a pen to write a message on the parcel, or custom set a destination.)
  4. Stick it on the conveyor, or dump it in a disposals unit, and let the system handle it.
    • Tip: Click and drag the large parcels to disposals units to put them in. This can only be done a few times however.

You can also gift wrap packages, but these cannot be tagged with a destination, and have to be delivered manually. This will not work with large objects. The process is slightly more complicated.

  1. Pick up the item you want to gift wrap.
  2. Hold a sharp object in your other hand. (Wirecutters are the most common for this.)
  3. Click the wrapping paper with the item you want to wrap.

Gift wrapping a human is also possible, but they must have a straight jacket on and you need the wrapping paper in your hand. This is usually not a good idea.

Using the MULEBot

  1. Drag the crate on to the MULE.
  2. Set a destination with your PDA or on the control panel.
  3. Send the MULE off!

How to Recharge the MULEBot

  1. Open up the maintenance panel with a screwdriver. (Make sure the controls are unlocked first!)
  2. Take out the power cell. (Top entry.)
  3. Insert charged power cell.
  4. Close panel with screwdriver.


You're a bit of in a pickle here, but wait. There's an autolathe that can help you GREATLY. Be careful though, if there is a Quartermaster, he will probably notice your shady activities in the Cargo Bay. If you can somehow get him to remove his sunglasses, he could be made into a valuable asset to the revolution.



Командование Капитан - Глава Персонала - Глава Охраны - Главный Инженер - Руководитель Исследований - Главный Врач
Представители НаноТрейзен Агент Внутренних Дел - Офицер Blueshield
Охрана Офицер Охраны - Надзиратель - Детектив - Криминалист
Инженерия Инженер - Атмосферный Техник
Наука Ученый - Робототехник - Генетик - Ксеноархеолог - Ксенобиолог
Медицина Доктор - Парамедик - Химик - Генетик - Вирусолог - Психиатр
Обслуживание Уборщик - Бармен - Повар - Ботаник - Парикмахер
Снабжение Квартирмейстер - Грузчик - Шахтер - Мусорщик
Гражданские Ассистент - Клоун - Мим - Капеллан - Библиотекарь
Не люди ИИ - Киборг - Дрон - пИИ - Голем - Призрак - Мышка - Слизень - Халк - Борер
Антагонисты Ядерный Агент - Генокрад - Ксеноморф - Маг - Предатель - Неисправный ИИ - Культист - Космический Ниндзя - Вокс Налетчик - Шедоулинг - Абдуктор
Особые Отряд Быстрого Реагирования - Эскадрон Смерти - Ударный Отряд Синдиката - Ян